Hotels and Bed Bugs Tips on Avoiding Bed Bugs

Bed bugs live on human blood and they therefore live in places where they can get the blood easily such as hotel beds since you will not be aware of t...

Bed bugs live on human blood and they therefore live in places where they can get the blood easily such as hotel beds since you will not be aware of the bites while sleeping. The increase in world travel plus the decrease in insecticide use in hotel beddings has led to an increase in the problem, but there are measures you can take to decrease the risk of an infestation. This way, you will not bring the parasites home with you. You should start by doing a background check on the hotel. With proper research, you will be able to get information on the hotels that have an infestation. The hotels may not volunteer this information, but consumer groups such as the Better Business Bureau will give you the information. Simply Google the phrase  bed bugs  or  bedbugs  plus the name of the hotel.

Before using the bed, examine the mattress, the sheets, the blankets, the pillows, and even the headboard for bed bugs and you should also check the furniture, the cushions, and anywhere else bed bugs may hide. You should have done research on what the parasites look like and on where they live. Bed bugs look like watermelon seeds in that they are oval, dark, and flat on both sides. Pull back the sheets and the blankets one at a time and carefully search for bed bugs. Note that bed bug waste makes dark stains. If you find red spots, this is dried blood, it is a sign of an infestation, and you should be on the lookout for bed bug skin, which is semitransparent, and bed bug feces. Change the hotel room in case of a small infestation and for a large infestation, or for an infestation in more than one room, change the hotel and report the case to the Better Business Bureau.

When spending a night in a hotel room, use a suitcase that will form a barrier that the bed bugs cannot penetrate. You should invest in a suitcase that that bed bugs will not penetrate note that bed bugs can easily get through a standard zipper. Open suitcases are an invitation to bed bugs and you should therefore avoid placing your suitcases on beds and instead use luggage racks. Whenever you can, leave the clothes in the suitcase. If it is necessary, you hang your clothes, always use garment bags. Always inspect clothes before packing and when you get home, inspect the suitcase and the clothes.

If you wake up early enough, you will avoid bed bug bites because they usually bite in the wee hours of the morning. If you can afford it, discard of all your clothes if the hotel you were living in had a bed bug problem. Ask for a refund if there was a bed bug problem and report the hotel to the Better Business Bureau or other consumer protection groups.

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