Making Your Way Into The Mining Industry

The mining industry is very appealing to many people.  The idea of being able to get an entry level position that pays double or even triple of what ...

The mining industry is very appealing to many people.  The idea of being able to get an entry level position that pays double or even triple of what you are used to is definitely ideal.  The main reason people are so attracted to the idea of working in the mining industry is because of how high paying most the jobs are.  Because mining jobs can be dangerous the pay is usually double minimum wage if not even more than that, and that is usually just the starting salary.

People are often willing to move halfway around the world if it means they are able to start up with a mining job.  Even just going and working the job for six months to a year, a person can save up and make more money than they would have in two or three years at their regular job.  If you have no experience in the mining industry and want to get involved, there are a few things you should know.  Firstly you will want to complete at least getting your truck license or a Mine Workers Health Surveillance Test.

That includes your truck license so you can drive work trucks and dump trucks around on the mining ground and also you need your Mine Workers Health Surveillance Test.  It is always best to work on the required certification and skills before applying to a job.  Even to get an entry level job in the mining industry you will usually require at least these skills.  Another important tip is to contact the company you want to apply to directly, so that you can talk to the manager and not have to go through others and hope that your resume gets attention.

If you want the best chances of getting accepted into the mining industry, make sure you apply to the regional mining centers.  Applying at regional mining centers will be your best bet.  Obviously then, if you do not live in that area you will need to move if you want to stand a chance at getting hired.  That is probably the biggest struggle of getting into the mining industry is that in most cases you need to move.

Safety is always a huge concern on the mining grounds and they want to make sure no workers are going to be impaired at any time.  You will usually only be required to complete a drug and alcohol test before applying for a job.  Some may require you to do this only before applying while others will make you do it every day you arrive at work.  They want to ensure you are not going to be impaired so you can be on guard and maintain safety of yourself and others while at work.

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