Types of Depression

Depression is experienced by millions of people as they go through daily living. This type of mood disorder bring feelings of hopelessness, sadnes...

Depression is experienced by millions of people as they go through daily living. This type of mood disorder bring feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and can even lead to suicidal tendencies when unchecked. Sadly, most people experiencing depression dismiss most of its symptoms and consider the feelings as “blues” or “downtime”. Later, episodes of depression slowly impairs normal function such as working, eating, sleeping and maintaining interpersonal relationships. A depressed person may become withdrawn, lose interest in one’s hobbies and stop socially interacting even with loved ones. Indeed, recurring bouts of depression should immediately be arrested lest it impairs healthy living. It is not easy to overcome depression since it is not just a feeling but a serious type of disorder that needs therapy and/or medication from a mental health professional. Usually, a psychiatrist prescribes anti-depressants that can correct the chemical imbalance that produces depressive symptoms. Nevertheless, it is a must for people with depression to undergo psychoanalytic sessions in order to detect the underlying causes of the disorder. The good news is that there are many available medicines that can be safely used by affected people so they can resume their normal lifestyle. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the different types of depression that can affect a person, namely:

Major Depressive Disorder

When this is experienced by an individual, the person’s normal lifestyle is drastically affected since even his sleeping or eating habits have changed. More so, the person completely lost interest in activities that were once interesting such as hobbies. This type can recurrent and emotionally debilitating that is why medical attention should be sought once symptoms are detected.

Postpartum Depression

After giving birth, there is a sudden shift in hormonal balance in women thus depression sets in from a period of one to six months.

Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms of this depression includes sudden emotional highs or lows which seems like a roller coaster ride. This sudden change in mood can lead to reckless behavior ( such as deviant sexual behavior) that can be destructive. This can be corrected by psychotherapy and drug treatment.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
Commonly known as SAD, people experience lethargy and sadness when subject to gloomy weather such as winter and even overcast days.

Substance induced mood disorder
As the name implies, some medications can also induce depression especially when abused. Other toxins such as alcohol can influenced moods and produce depression.

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