Control of Moles

Moles are unwelcomed visitors to any farmer’s plot for they create long and extensive tunnels that can wreak havoc to any farmer’s garden. For...

Moles are unwelcomed visitors to any farmer’s plot for they create long and extensive tunnels that can wreak havoc to any farmer’s garden. For one, moles live underground and are often unseen by most people .Most of their activities such as hunting for food ( earthworms) happen beneath the soil. They consume a lot of food since they expend energy in making the tunnels which makes them voracious hunters always on the search for earthworms, insects, spiders, etc. Because of their extensive burrowing capabilities, they often dislodge the soil which can destroy crops causing trouble for many farmers. It is important to address the control moles so as to have a more productive farm and prevent mole repopulation.

Traditionally, farmer’s control of moles use various mechanical traps that would instantly minimize the population of moles. There are generally three types of traps considered effective to use for the control of moles. The three traps for moles are : choker loop, scissor-jaw and harpoon. However, setting up traps for control of moles need careful preparation so the procedure would be effective. First thing that must be remembered in setting traps for the control of moles is that it must be done during spring and fall. Placing the trap in soft ground ( which happens only after the rain) would be more effective than doing during summer and winter. Moles often burrow deeper during summer or winter making it difficult in locating the mole thereby making the trap useless. Therefore, timing and season should be considered in employing methods for the control of moles. After choosing a trap that would be used for mole control, the instructions on the trap should be well read. Why? First, the trap is also a dangerous equipment which could harm the user. Second, setting an improperly placed trap can would not bring effective results. Putting the trap in just any surface borrow would not accomplish the goal similar to shooting things aimlessly. All traps must be placed in active surface burrows so that moles can be caught. If possible, traps should be put in lower tunnels since there is a high probability that moles pass here frequently. After setting the trap, make sure to check the place after 24 hours since a mole could be caught. Putting a bait such as earthworms would drive the mole to the trap. Indeed, moles are considered nuisance to people who own farms or land properties. Nevertheless, resorting to the traditional method of trapping can be still be effective in the over-all control of moles.

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