Things you need to know about orthopedic shoulder brace

An orthopedic shoulder brace is an assistive device created for treatment of shoulder injuries. It essentially limits the movement of the shoulder so ...


An orthopedic shoulder brace is an assistive device created for treatment of shoulder injuries. It essentially limits the movement of the shoulder so that it doesn’t move unnecessarily to prevent further injuries. This is really crucial since shoulder injury can be very painful for a person and keeping the shoulder intact ensures a faster recovery. Athletes are the most common people who use orthopedic shoulder braces as they are very prone to shoulder injuries. However, anyone can get a shoulder injury from ordinary activities or events like incorrect sleeping position, rolling off the bed, or lifting an object that is too heavy.

Orthopedic shoulder braces can also be worn by athletes even when they are not injured as a preventive measure. While it doesn’t make them immune to shoulder dislocation or other injuries, it can effectively reduce the prevalence rate. However, there is a drawback to wearing orthopedic shoulder brace while playing or training as it can restrict the body movement of the athlete thus severely limiting their ability to perform or compete effectively.

There are two kinds of orthopedic shoulder braces. The first type is usually known as thermal wraps. These shoulder braces features a heating and cooling mechanism that can help relieve the pain that is associated with repetitive or long term injuries. These materials are often made of neoprene since this can maintain the intended temperature better than other materials. A more costly type of orthopedic shoulder brace is known as a magnetic wrap. However, it is quite limited since it only has a heating mechanism and no cooling unlike thermal wraps.

The second type of orthopedic shoulder braces are modern shoulder slings. It is an immobilizer that efficiently restricts the movement of the shoulder to prevent further damage and injury. A modern shoulder sling is technically a wrap that goes around your chest, your wrist, and above your elbow. Modern shoulder slings helps the shoulder to rest which leads to faster recovery and healing.

Finally,there’s also a special type of orthopedic shoulder brace known as the shoulder posture brace. Its main function is more on correcting posture problems so it’s not really designed for helping a person recover from a shoulder injury.

Orthopedic Leg Braces 101


Orthopedic leg braces are medical equipment that are fastened to the legs and are employed for various reasons. It is placed around the knee and serves to diminish the pressure in that area. As a result the orthopedic leg braces give support to the knees and offer stability as well for the various requirements of vigorous daily activities.

The orthopedic leg braces have three main purposes. It is primarily used by people who are suffering from knee joint problems like arthritis and ortheoarthritis to help in alleviating the painful symptoms of these chronic condition. It can also be used by athletes to support their knees when training or playing to help reduce the risk of injuries. It can also be used by people who are recovering from injuries to help immobilize the knee so that it can recover properly. Furthermore, they are also used to correct knee alignment.

There are four kinds of orthopedic leg braces that have various purposes.

The first form is the prophylactic braces that are generally used by athletes who are active in injury-prone contact sports. They are made of neoprene and are equipped as a preventive measure for injury. They provide support to the structure of the knees by preventing it from rotating. The bring support to the knee structure by stopping it from turning.

On more type of orthopedic leg braces is the rehabilitation braces. This kind of braces are used by people who have experienced serious knee injury or surgery. Since it is used to immobilize the recovering knees, these braces are typically larger than other braces.

Functional braces are employed by people who are recuperating from a knee injury as well as those who are experiencing pain due to an arthritic condition. Same as prophylactic braces, these forms of orthopedic leg braces bring support and stability to the knees and does not allow it to rotate. Also it diminishes the possibility of knee hyper extension and boost energy and agility of the knees as well. They are also the least expensive type of leg braces.

The final type of orthopedic leg braces is known as the unloader braces.

They are recommended for persons who are undergoing through pain as a result of arthritis or as a result of incorrect alignment. They are usually hinged with metal reinforcements and can give stability when walking, standing, and when doing physical therapy exercises. They also greatly help in mitigating the pain by taking the weight away from the side of the knee.

Essential facts about orthopedic ankle braces


Ankle injuries are usually known as one of the most common injuries experienced by both athletes and normal people alike which is why orthopedic ankle braces are really important. Orthopedic ankle braces mainly keep your ankle stable and lessen the pressure off it by restricting the movement. This is very fundamental as ankle injuries such as sprains and strains are extremely painful when moved. Orthopedic ankle braces makes the pain more manageable and allows the injured part to heal by significantly reducing the trauma inflicted to it when walking.

There are actually several types of orthopedic ankle braces that can be used to treat ankle injuries. The one that is commonly used immediately after the ankle is injured is the rigid ankle braces. This type of ankle braces totally immobilizes the ankle so that it cannot be moved by the patient. Immobilizing the ankle at once after being injured is utterly important as it is very painful for the person affected even if the foot was just moved for a bit. On top of this, immobilizing the injured ankle protects the newly injured area from further damage or injury .

The functional ankle braces is another form of orthopedic ankle braces. This category includes Aircast or semirigid braces, soft braces, and lace-up braces. As compared to rigid ankle braces, these types of braces provides more mobility to the ankle. Recent research reveals that treating acute ankle sprains with functional ankle braces have better results as compared to the treatment that involves restricting the ankle with rigid ankle braces. Those who treated their ankle injury with functional ankle braces have faster recovery period, less inflammation and instability, and greater overall satisfaction.

Furthermore, athletes involved in sports that are susceptible to ankle injuries such as basketball and football, can use a special type of orthopedic ankle braces known as prophylactic ankle braces. These kinds of braces are effective in protecting users from ankle injuries. They are higly ideal for athletes who have a history of ankle injury thereby lessening the chance of recurring injury. The payoff of using these kind of bracers is that it can restrict ankle movement which some people may find uncomfortable and affect their performance.

Canine orthopedic braces : helping man’s best friend


Dogs also experience pain and injury like their owners which is why there are specially designed canine orthopedic braces for dogs. These braces are designed differently that can suit the type of injury and of course, the dog’s size. They are significantly important as this helps an injured dog recover and heal the affected area by supporting and stabilizing it. The canine orthopedic braces also will help in absorbing the trauma that is inflicted when the dog is moving around with the injury.

One example of canine orthopedic braces is the hip hound brace. It is wrapped around the hips of the dog and is designed to support the lower back and hip area of the dog. This type of braces are used to treat dogs suffering from arthritis, hip dysplasia, decreased endurance, low back pain, and back leg limping. It is also ideal for dogs who are recovering from a surgery or injury.

The other types of canine orthopedic braces are the ones used to treat various limb injuries of dogs. Included in this category are stifle braces for the knee, hock and paw braces, elbow braces, and carpus and paw braces. These types of canine orthopedic braces are often used after surgery, so that the recovering dog can have mobility while the injured body part is still healing. Another plus of canine orthopedic braces is that it protects further loss of muscle mass during the healing while providing correct position to the affected body into the normal position especially when it was dislocated.

There are some factors that you have to consider when buying for your pet dog canine orthopedic braces. Basically, be definite that the braces that you are buying have no metal in them as they are counterproductive to the recovery of the dog. The more appropriate braces are made out of composite rubber joints as they are durable and works well with the movement of the dog.

When buying canine orthopedic braces for your dog always remember that it’s your pet’s veterinarian who should make the cast for your dog. Never be contented with braces that aren’t customized as it may not be effective at all for your dog.

Basics of Orthopedic Neck Brace


Orthopedic neck braces or cervical collars are crucial orthopedic medical devices that is employed on the cervical part of a person�s spinal cord and also their head. It is generally used by emergency medical personnel on people who have just been in a traumatic neck and head injuries. Aside from emergency conditions, an orthopedic neck brace may also be utilized therapeutically on chronic medical disorders, as well as to protect athletes from neck injuries in high-risk motorsports like Motocross, go-kart racing, and speedboat racing.

The main use of an orthopedic neck brace is to help people who are suffering from a serious neck injury. It serves as a stabilizer to the neck that reduces the risk of spinal damage.

This is really important because spinal damage can easily lead to paralysis or even death. The brace stabilizes the first seven vertebrae bones of the spine and it is usually retained until a proper medical diagnosis has ruled out neck injury.

Another use of an orthopedic neck brace is for recovering from a serious neck injury or surgery. Stabilizing the spine is crucial when recuperating as it allows the body to heal itself correctly. Unnecessary movements will not encourage such healing and therefore the neck brace restricts the neck for this purpose.

Individuals with specific chronic conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis may also require and orthopedic neck brace particularly when walking to prevent migraine headaches. A few neck braces can even help regulate extreme temperatures by absorbing the excess energy when the temperature becomes hotter and releasing it once it becomes colder. As a consequence, it can help stop muscle spasms that cause pain and hinder healing.

Moreover, there are a few types of orthopedic neck braces that may be assigned to a patient. The most common ones are hard and soft collars. The former is prescribed for people who have just been on a serious injury while the latter is used for individuals who are already recuperating. Another kind is the Philadelpia collar which is given to people who have just went through a cervical spine surgery to support a healthy recovery. The most restrictive type of neck brace is the halo which is made up of metal rings with metal pins. This is prescribed to patients that have the most delicate neck conditions that require total immobilization.

Basics of Orthopedic Back Braces


Orthopedic back braces have various types but the main use of this equipment is to support the back of the patient. The types of this brace are corsets, belts, and jackets which are specially created to bring stability to the spine or prevent it from moving unnecessarily. Orthopedic back braces are utilized to treat osteoporosis, infections, low back pain, trauma, neck conditions, and muscular weakness. They can also manipulate the spine in various positions such as lateral-flexed, upright, flexed, hyperextended, and neutral.

The purposes of orthopedic back braces include controlling pain, decreasing the chance of further injury, let healing take place, make up for muscle weakness, and prevent or correct a deformity. Some forms of orthopedic back braces compress the abdomen, thus increasing the intra-abdominal pressure and providing some relief. The warmth caused by insulating the skin can also reduce the sensation of pain, making it very useful for individuals who have painful back problems.

An example of orthopedic back braces is the trochanter belt that is prescribed for patients with sacroiliac joint pain or pelvic fractures. It fastens in front and is put on like a regular belt using Velcro straps. What�s great about it is that it is unobtrusive, can be worn under your clothes without sticking out, and you can sleep with it if it is required.

Another kind of orthopedic back braces are medical corsets which have different lengths. The short ones are usually employed for treating low back pain while the longer ones are used for problems in the mid to lower thoracic spine. Corsets generally extend over the buttocks, are kept in place with shoulder straps, and include metal stays that gives the needed rigidity and back support.

Lastly, there are hyperextension braces that are used for spinal fractures and also for people who are recuperating from a spinal surgery. These kind of orthopedic back braces prevent excessive bending by restricting the movement of the spine, thus allowing it to heal and recover appropriately.

Using orthopedic back braces has drawbacks as well. It can initiate the loss of muscle function due to lack of movement. Furthermore, some people become psychologically attached to the back brace even after they have fully recovered and don�t need them anymore.

All you need to know about orthopedic foot braces


Orthopedic foot braces, also termed as ankle-foot orthoses or AFOs is a type of brace that is utilized to control and support the position and motion of the ankle, supplement muscle weakness, and correct deformities as well. Typically made of plastic and versatile in treating many medical conditions on the muscle function of the foot area. These common conditions include but are not limited to spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy, polio, stroke, muscular dystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, and multiple sclerosis. In addition, orthopedic foot braces can also be used to immobilize the foot after an injury as well as to correct foot-drop.

There are several kinds of orthopedic foot braces that are used depending on the needs of the patient. One of them is the solid ankle-foot orthosis. It is one of the most basic and commonly used orthopedic foot braces as it has a flexible fit and has a sufficient structure for walking and shaping the foot against deformity. However, this type of orthosis may not be applicable to some people that have a unique kind of posture.

Another kind of orthopedic foot braces is known as the hinged ankle-foot orthosis. As the name suggests, this orthosis has a hinge as compared to the solid AFO which allows a certain degree of mobility that isn’t restricted. A hinged AFO is suited for people who are already recovering from an injury or condition and must have mobility and strenght regained.

A special kind of orthopedic foot braces is known as a spiral ankle-foot orthosis. It has a spiral support structure that promotes better flexibility at the same time restricting and encouraging motion in a preferred direction. This type of orthosis is highly-recommended to people who fall when wearing stiff braces. However, these kinds of orthosis is very difficult to make as well as adjust due to its shape.

What has been discussed are just the most basic types of orthopedic foot braces as there are more specific types that are useful for certain conditions. Therefore if you need to use one, the first step is visiting a specialist and seeking advice when selecting from among these orthopedic foot braces suited for your condition.