Stomach Pain During Pregnancy

Normally, occasional abdominal discomfort may indicate pregnancy. Although it can prove harmless to the baby, still, severe abdominal pain can indicat...

Normally, occasional abdominal discomfort may indicate pregnancy. Although it can prove harmless to the baby, still, severe abdominal pain can indicate something more serious which should not be ignored.

What are the possible causes of pain during pregnancy?

Miscarriage. It is the loss of pregnancy during the first twenty weeks. The first symptom is generally vaginal spotting or bleeding and in a few hours followed by abdominal pain. Vaginal spotting may be light or heavy while the pain is persistent, sharp or mild, and may seem to feel like there is more pain and pressure in the pelvis or lower back.

Ectopic Pregnancy occurs outside of the uterus where a fertilized egg has implanted, typically in on of the fallopian tubes. It shows symptoms after six to seven weeks of fertilization, but it can occur as early as 4 weeks even before you realize you are pregnant.

Preterm Labor. Stomach pain in pregnancy can be a symptom of premature labor especially when the pain comes from the cervix even before reaching the full 37 weeks of pregnancy.

Preeclampsia is a risky condition during pregnancy since hypertension can cause damages to organs and cause heart attack while giving birth. Preeclampsia is often diagnosed in pregnant women when incidence of hypertension and high protein in urine is still present during first 20 weeks of pregnancy.

Urinary tract infection. When a woman is pregnant , she can be vulnerable to kidney infections and UTI. Symptoms are burning pain while urinating, pelvic or lower abdominal pain, uncontrollable frequency urge to pee and cloudy, foul-smelling urine.

Rupture of placenta. It can be considered as a life-threatening situation since the placenta is severed from the uterus even before baby is born. Light but sudden bleeding can happen and placenta that ruptures can produce bloody fluid.

These problems that relates to pregnancy stomach pain may be life threatening if left untreated. Seek medical treatment even for minor ailments such as toothache. Whenever any of the symptoms present itself, call emergency as soon as possible.

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