Window Cleaning Rates

Establishing you own cleaning service demands plenty of price planning. There are a lot of considerations to make in the pricing system before you ca...

Establishing you own cleaning service demands plenty of price planning. There are a lot of considerations to make in the pricing system before you can land your very first clientele. You have to choose whether or not you’ll charge per hour or per window, with that depending on size of the window too. The way you charge will also depend on how big the property. Will you also charge extra for intricate window cleaning services? It is important you have considered each and every important aspect of pricing before launching your business to the public.

Determine the window cleaning rates. There are 2 pricing general methods, the by hour and by foot. Non commercial window cleanings are priced on an hourly basis than by the foot. Most of the time non commercial clientele request that windows from a single room be washed. So if the area is small, little profit can be created from this. You should make best use of the gains whenever possible so if you’re going to service a residential client, charge on hourly basis.

Analyze the house of the customer. If the home is a magnificent one and covers numerous square feet you’ll be able to request increased window cleaning fees. Because the house is even bigger your client can afford a much higher rate. On the other hand, do not raise the rates to a really extreme rate that will get your clients taken aback and turn the other way around. Most people are instinctive and they can tell whether or not they are being taken for a spin. Bring up your price competitively but not to the point that you are overcharging the clients.

Take into account exactly what cleaning service the client is requesting. Does the client want a complete house window cleaning? Suppose your client is requesting full house cleaning including garage, lawn, and carpet washing? If these are not included into your pricing rates, you are able to charge additional reasonably. Explain to them well that these services are not a part of your full home cleaning package, and if they would like these services performed, additional charges will be applied. If your client is fair enough they’ll understand and spend the extra fee, no questions asked.

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