E-Learning: How To Learn German Language Quickly

Most people in the world can speak more than one language. But can you? Ok, you can't blame yourself for never paying attention in high school French ...

Most people in the world can speak more than one language. But can you? Ok, you can’t blame yourself for never paying attention in high school French class, and the rest of the world is forced to learn English in school, right? Well the time is now and there’s never been a better one to pick a new language to learn and employ in your life: one like it German!

Why learn German? Why not?! For starters, German is the most widely spoken native language in Europe.  That’s right, not English, not Spanish, not even French, but German. Actually, even though Germany has 83 million native speakers (more than any European country, by the way) it also spoken officially by Austria, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland.

Besides many, many people speaking it, why else should you learn German? Well, let’s think about money. Last year Germans spent more on tourism than any other European country: 91 billion euros.  So maybe you have your own cafe or bookstore, maybe you were thinking of somewhere to travel soon, or maybe you just like learning and expanding your mind, in any case, wouldn’t it be cool to drop a few lines of someone else’s native tongue for once? Would it not impress them and make them more likely to go on a date with you, to spend money in your store, or give you their utmost admiration and respect if you knew their native tongue?

Besides the fact that it is the most widely spoken language in Europe, and German tourists spent a record high of 91 billion Euros worldwide last year alone, why learn German? Because German is actually pretty easy! Actually, German and English evolved from the same language, Germanic, and thus share many likenesses in vocabulary and grammar. German is also a very phonetic language, which means that once you learn letters and their sounds, it becomes quite easy to spell spoken words and to predict how written ones will sound.

You have literally hundreds of choices of languages when it comes to picking which one to learn. But why go with the cliche, the normal, something everyone already knows? Just keep in mind that German is spoken by more people than any other language in Europe, Germans want to spend money and spend lots of it, and that it is actually not that difficult to learn! So quit making excuses and become more worldly, intelligent, and cultured, learn some German!

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