Natural Organic Garden Using Herbs and Flowers

If you are planning an organic garden this year, be aware that this type of garden may take a lot of planning and preparation of your soil.You will wa...

If you are planning an organic garden this year, be aware that this type of garden may take a lot of planning and preparation of your soil.You will want to map it out before starting to plant.Should you be planning on an organic garden, you will want to map it out before starting to plant.There are some herbs and flowers that can act as a natural insecticide and you would want these to boarder the outside of the garden.

Lavender is one of the herb families that can deter pests in your garden.Lavender may be planted in both the spring and fall, it has long stems, and narrow green leaves.One should plant this around the perimeter of the garden plot.Although we might love the fragrance, garden pests cannot stand it making it great for organic gardening.

One herb that can be planted most anywhere in your garden and is visually appealing as well is the Chive.Sweet basil is also said to have traditional medicinal value and the oil from the plant has antibacterial properties.This is one of the most popular and used herb of the organic garden.It has the reputation of repelling insects naturally; this includes the Japanese beetles as well as carrot rust flies.For the organic gardener, you will definitely want to plant some sweet basil in your garden.

Another herb that has the reputation of being a natural insecticide is sweet basil.This herb can be planted most anywhere in your garden is visually appealing as well.The oil from the plant has antibacterial properties, and the fragrance will repel flying insects.The chive can be used straight out of the garden, or you can dry the leave for later use in your cooking.This is one of the most used and planted herb in most organic gardens today.

If you plan your organic garden early on with the right types of herbs surrounding your vegetables, insects may not be a problem to begin with.    It is suggested to spray your plants directly at least weekly with a hand sprayer.This will be your favorite dish soap.It is suggested to spray the area at least weekly with this mixture.You can mix the soap and water and safely spray the area, or if you have a large garden, put the dish soap into a sprayer that hooks into your garden hose.

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