Mining Terms: Basic Terms That You Should Know

These days there are more and more people who are turning to the mining industry for work.  This really comes as no surprise, considering that you ca...

These days there are more and more people who are turning to the mining industry for work.  This really comes as no surprise, considering that you can typically make double or even triple in mining as you would with a regular job.  These are terms that all the experienced miners use so you will need to be able to communicate with them.  There are a few mining terms that are particularly important to learn if you want to have success in the mining industry.

The term butt entry for instance is a term that has a few different meanings, depending on where it is used.  It typically refers to a panel entry or other submain entry, so a way that you enter into the coal mines.  Cannel coal refers to a block coal that has a fine, even grain.  This is important because these types of coals are very easy to ignite and miners must be careful around them.

All miners must wear what is known as a cap while they are working.  Also known as a safety helmet this is used to protect the heads of the miners which is especially important in the event of a mine collapsing.  This does happen although it is not a frequent occurrence, especially with the high tech machinery that miners now use.  There is also what is known as a cap block.

A cap block is also used for safety reasons.  The reason for this is to provide support and ensure that the roof is supported that much more while miners are working.  It refers to the new technologies that have recently been developed in the world of mining and which have a purpose of ensuring that miners use coal in the most cost-effective manner.  There is also the term coal washing.

Once you are actually out there mining you are going to hear lots of new words you never heard of before.  It will definitely take some time to get used to things and to learn how to communicate most effectively with your fellow workers.  Of course there are hundreds more that will be important to learn as well but if you are just getting into the mining industry you will at least be able to get by if you are informed on these terms alone.  In no time at all you will be a pro miner yourself and able to communicate with all your fellow workers, which is going to help the jobs get done faster and better.

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