Payroll Accounting

Payroll Accounting is a type of accounting that mainly focus on recording payroll transactions which every employer should be knowledgeable of. All c...

Payroll Accounting is a type of accounting that mainly focus on recording payroll transactions which every employer should be knowledgeable of. All companies have people that work for them; thus, these people get paid for rendering service to the company. Generally, payroll is defined as the amount of money that employers need to pay their workers set a certain period of time Aside from salary or wages, payroll accounting is concerned with fringe benefits and taxes. Payroll accounts are reflected in the report of the incomes statement since payroll is considered a cost. Payroll costs covers the amount of actual cash paid given to the employees and the amounts withheld such as taxes and health contributions that are voluntary. Salary computation includes overtime pay as well as bonuses and commissions to workers specifically those who conduct sales and promotions. Payroll accounting also covers the computation of taxes and other costs such as state income tax, federal income tax, Medicare (or other voluntary healthcare contributions), and Social Security. In addition to this, most regular employees are entitled to vacation leave, sick leave, insurance (dental , disability , life) , retirement plans, and profit-sharing plan as stated on the company contract. The company can also have voluntary withholdings such as union dues, charitable contributions, 401 (k) contributions and payments that the employee owes to the company for buying a company item. It is also possible that court ordered withholdings be deducted from an employee’s salary (i.e. child support).

The payroll master must be in touch with human resources manager so record the various benefits a certain employee might have; besides, personnel records are source of information for the payroll processor. Payroll professionals are also required to be organized in their record –keeping since there is numerous information about an employee that must be recorded. This is quite a big task since corporations have as much as a thousand employees. In such cases, a whole payroll department takes care of payroll accounting. It must be emphasized that payroll accountants be constantly updated with the latest state or federal regulations regarding taxation. There are also withholding tax exemptions that can be factored in payroll accounting when computing for salaries and wages. Indeed, payroll accounting covers a lot of aspects for business owners. Simple solutions can be in the form of outsourcing the payroll or purchasing a payroll software that would make payroll accounting easier and more efficient.

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