Why people need an allergy relief

Worlwide, people suffering from allergy seek one important thing- allergy relief. Why shouldn't they when allergy makes normal life unproductive? When...


Worlwide, people suffering from allergy seek one important thing- allergy relief. Why shouldn’t they when allergy makes normal life unproductive? When people start experiencing symptoms like itchy red eyes, sneezing, coughing, itching and shortness of breath, their daily routine becomes a burden. Some employees call in sick or late since they are searching for allergy relief that would make them feel better as soon as possible. In a study published at Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology last 2008; the research titled Rhinitis and Impact on work� revealed that loss in productivity among employees reached as much as 11 to 40%. Because of this, people are compelled to search for allergy relief that can help people possible live allergy-free lives.

One of the current allergy reliefs that can possibly be availed of are allergy shots popularly known as immunotherapy. The shot includes tiny amount that can cause allergy to a person known as allergens that can make the body develop its immune system to that specific allergen. At a certain point that the body has built immunity to that allergy, then it does not overreact when it encounters that allergy anymore. According to the Mayo clinic web site, the doctor gives the first few shots that has small amount of allergens. As the body begins to develop immunity, then the amount of allergens are increased in the succeeding shots. As a result, the body would normally ignore allergens once the person is completely immune.

A very usual allergy relief that individuals always buy are antihistamines. Typically, antihistamines are over-the-counter medications that can quickly relieve allergy. Antihistamines are considered as an effective allergy relief since it works as an agent that prevents the actions of histamines. When the actions of histamine are prevented, the body is relieved from allergy symptoms which allows a person to be more productive. There are two categories of antihistamines: first generation and second-generation. The only disadvantage with antihistamines as an allergy relief are the common side effects related with its use such as drowsiness and adverse effects for people with heart disease according to familydoctor.org.

Nowadays, allergy relief medicines can be bought from most drugstores.. Even so, consulting a doctor should always be your first step for safer treatment.

Why people need an allergy relief


Worlwide, people suffering from allergy seek one important thing- allergy relief. Why shouldn’t they when allergy makes normal life unproductive? When people start experiencing symptoms like itchy red eyes, sneezing, coughing, itching and shortness of breath, their daily routine becomes a burden. Some employees call in sick or late since they are searching for allergy relief that would make them feel better as soon as possible. In a study published at Current Opinion in Allergy and Clinical Immunology last 2008; the research titled Rhinitis and Impact on work� revealed that loss in productivity among employees reached as much as 11 to 40%. Because of this, people are compelled to search for allergy relief that can help people possible live allergy-free lives.

One of the current allergy reliefs that can possibly be availed of are allergy shots popularly known as immunotherapy. The shot includes tiny amount that can cause allergy to a person known as allergens that can make the body develop its immune system to that specific allergen. At a certain point that the body has built immunity to that allergy, then it does not overreact when it encounters that allergy anymore. According to the Mayo clinic web site, the doctor gives the first few shots that has small amount of allergens. As the body begins to develop immunity, then the amount of allergens are increased in the succeeding shots. As a result, the body would normally ignore allergens once the person is completely immune.

A very usual allergy relief that individuals always buy are antihistamines. Typically, antihistamines are over-the-counter medications that can quickly relieve allergy. Antihistamines are considered as an effective allergy relief since it works as an agent that prevents the actions of histamines. When the actions of histamine are prevented, the body is relieved from allergy symptoms which allows a person to be more productive. There are two categories of antihistamines: first generation and second-generation. The only disadvantage with antihistamines as an allergy relief are the common side effects related with its use such as drowsiness and adverse effects for people with heart disease according to familydoctor.org.

Nowadays, allergy relief medicines can be bought from most drugstores.. Even so, consulting a doctor should always be your first step for safer treatment.

Understanding the serious implications of severe allergy


Allergy affects the lives of millions of people daily considering it is simply triggered by common dust, dander, pollens, and other airborne particles. Severe allergy in some cases are caused by food that people consume such as fish, peanut and other types of seafood. Usually, allergies can be temporarily treated by taking over-the-counter drugs such as anti-histamines. However, anti-histamines are only effective for controlling mild to moderate allergy. Severe allergy calls for urgent medical attention since a life-threatening situation known as anaphylaxis can happen. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that can be life-threatening since its manifestation include constriction of air passageways which makes it very difficult to breathe. Also, blood pressure suddenly drops since anaphylaxis shocks the body’s system but it can also cause fatal damage to other parts of the body. The onset of symptoms like skin reactions like swelling, eczema, itching, vomiting and shortness of breath seems simple at first. Later on, the body reacts with violent spasms when the person cannot breathe anymore. The only rapid and possible treatment when the body goes into anaphylactic shock is a shot of epinephrine. However, this still requires urgent medical attention since a physician would be the only one to properly administer this treatment. Remarkably, severe allergy reactions happens only because the body’s immune system overreacts to itself.

Severe allergy can happen even if people are just exposed to traces of allergens. Limited exposure to allergens can also lead to anaphylaxis such as :

• OTC medications and prescriptions

• Sting of insects such as bees, wasps and fire ants

• Food and its by products such as peanut, soy, dairy and seafood

• Blood from transfusion• Rubber and latex

Aside from the given list, other allergens can also cause severe allergy depending on the body’s capacity to react to substances. It is imperative that people with severe allergy be careful in choosing food to eat especially when dining out since some restaurants may contain ingredients like peanut that can cause severe allergy. A slight exposure to pollen during changing of seasons can also trigger severe allergy so vacuuming and housecleaning is a way of prevention. In truth, severe allergy can be prevented or minimized. Just remember that allergy can be controlled when we are careful enough.

The important role of an allergy clinic


Surprising but true, 1out of 4 Americans suffer from allergy according to achooallergy website. Moreover,it was also revealed in that website that half of Americans suffer from an allergy. Similarly,an allergy clinic that caters to patients in London asserts that around 30% of people in London have allergies and some remain undiagnosed�. These statistics and research just tells us that high incidence of allergy is prevalent in our modern life. Probably, pollution or weather changes have contributed to the increased rate of allergy among the world�s population.

Good news is that allergy clinics are established to help people cope with allergies. There are several kinds of allergies and they share common symptoms most of the time. Medical specialists from an allergy clinic provide professional services to people with allergies. Primary among the services that an allergy clinic provide are: tests, diagnosis and complete treatment. An allergy clinic can handle any of the following allergy or allergy related ailments: hay fever, rhinitis, urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, asthma, food allergy, insect allergies, skin allergies, latex allergies, anaphylaxis, chronic cough, seasonal allergies, eczema, immune disorders, preservative allergies and even lactose intolerance. Indeed, several disorders can arise when the immune system goes haywire. The hard fact about allergy is that our own immune system attacks us. |An allergy clinic can address mild to severe cases of allergy that could prove to be very fatal

What to expect from an allergy clinicThe usual procedure is that the person with allergy would be scheduled for a session with a doctor. A review of one’s medical history by the physician is a must as well as physical examination. Certain diagnostic tests can also be required by an allergy clinic such as Skin Scratch Test and Lung Function Test. These tests are lead the way to a proper diagnosis of a certain allergy type. Succeeding laboratory tests mal also be needed for a complete examination.

Normally, an allergy clinic has packaged plans that can suit the budget of people with allergy. The important fact is that a person can get help from professionals without further causing risk to himself as compared to self-medication. While an allergy clinic entail additional costs for the service, nothing is as important as one’s health.

Signs of allergy and their severity


Having allergies is one of the inconvenient ailments that modern man has to cope with. A bad allergy attack can be triggered by any allergy type from among the many kinds of allergy. These allergies can be: peanut allergy, cat allergy, bedding allergy, food allergy, plant allergy , bee sting allergy, latex allergy and several more. Even pollen, dander or other substances in the air can trigger an allergy attack. For these reasons, it is very crucial to identify important signs of allergy so the doctor can properly identify which type of allergy one is suffering from. By doing so, the signs of allergy can lead the way to a more effective treatment of symptoms.

Allergy happens when our own immune system that’s supposed to ward off intrusions to our body attacks us. When this happens, signs of allergy known as symptoms warn us that our body is reacting unfavorably towards some external stimuli. It is smart to familiarize oneself with following important signs of allergy :

Mild allergic reactions. An allergy is recognized as mild when the signs shows itching watery red eyes and sneezing. A lot of common airborne allergies such as dust and dander float indoors when cleaning can cause allergy. It is highly likely that allergy attacks are caused by cats so once a person starts sneezing and itching when cats are near, this is known as cat allergy. Pollen can make a person sneeze as well as other airborne particles.

Moderate allergy symptoms. Among signs of allergy in this category include itching and respiratory diffculties. Some individuals feel itchy and quickly have rashes once they have consumed seafood , milk, soy, wheat , eggs , peanut and other types of food. On top of this, other signs of allergy include edema, dermatitis and hives which can be seen in some parts of the body.

Severe allergy symptoms. According to webmd website, severe signs of allergy include abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, mental disorientation or dizziness which should be quickly brought to the doctor’s attention. Indications of severe signs of allergy can lead to death since blocked air passageways could make breathing difficult. People exhibiting such signs of allergy can go into anaphylaxis ( body shock) and lead to comatose. It is crucial to determine the crucial signs of allergy since fatality is a possibility in such cases.

Practical ways of eliminating allergy bedding


Millions of individuals worldwide suffer from a variety of allergies such as seafood, peanut, seasonal, latex, medicines, pets ( cats , horse ,dogs) but the most uncomfortable allergy of them all is allergy bedding. While the bedroom should be the most relaxing part of the house where one spends hours relaxing, allergy bedding can make people lose sleep. When allergy bedding sets in people experience red itchy eyes, itching, sneezing, and coughing. Instead of having a good nights sleep, people experience such symptoms of allergy bedding. When this happens, it’s time to take control of the situation by following the practical tips :

Encasing the bed. The bed is a very important house furniture but it also attracts a host of possible indoor allergens like dust, dander, mites, and pollen. An open window easily brings in pollen from grass or weeds when its summer or springtime. To make your bed allergy-proof, place bed encasings designed to protect not only the bed but pillows, mattress and comforter from such indoor allergens. When itchy watery eyes and sneezing happens before you sleep, most likely allergy bedding is happening. The main reason for this could be thousands of dust mites that live in the bed. Some beddings and linen websites sell special bed encasings that efficiently secures the bed like an envelope which prevents any type of dust mite and pollens in your bed.

Clean the house well. At times,the house may look clean since it’s clutter-free and sparkling clean but dust mites and dander are so microscopic in size that one cannot see them. Usually, these are the main reasons of allergy bedding so it’s important to throroughly clean the house especially the bedroom. Carpets, rugs and draperies normally house such allergens so do some vacuuming and cleaning as well. Preferably, bed linens must be machine washed and dried to rid of unawanted allergy bedding.

Install home air purifiers. Place a good air purifier with HEPA filter in the bedroom. This is ideal in filtering tiny particles of allergens even bacteria and viruses that can cause diseases. In addition, allergy bedding is not only prevented but air is fresher and cleaner too.

Hopefully, allergy bedding can be reduced by simply following the aforementioned tips. Having an allergy-free bedroom is now possible.

Peanut Allergy – Things You Need To Know


Peanut allergy is one of the types of allergies that you need to take into consideration seriously. While other allergies can just trigger usual symptoms like itching, sneezing, watery eyes, coughing, swelling hands or feet, peanut allergy can lead to sudden death. Peanut allergy can cause unconsciousness to the sufferer that can lead to death. Also, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, peanut allergy is the main culprit behind food-related deaths. There have been hundreds of cases wherein the kitchen staff overlooks the request to not include peanuts in the dish and the result was always disastrous. The person with peanut allergy goes anaphylactic and without epinephrine in a few minutes could lead to death. For this reason, people must understand peanut allergy in order to protect their loved ones or even themselves.

Peanut allergy usually develops among very young children such as toddlers. So a parent should be knowledgeable about the symptoms of peanut allergy. Although it is believed that kids eventually outgrow this kind of allergy, it can still lead to serious consequences when ignored. There have also been studies mentioned in Wisegeek that peanut allergy among children surfaces since they have relatives with allergies too. It could also be passed on from the genes so might as well check your relatives who may have one.

Peanut allergy can be triggered by simply eating peanuts or food with peanuts such as marzipans, energy bars, baked goods, ice cream and frozen desserts, grain breads and dishes that are Oriental, African or Mexican. According to the Mayo Clinic website, a person with peanut allergy has symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, and could eventually fall unconscious. Anaphylactic shock can also ensue and this is indicated by dizziness, rapid pulse and constriction of airways which needs urgent medical attention. A first-aid treatment known as Epinephrine is used when symptoms manifest itself. It is also highly suggested to go to the nearest hospital.

Prevention is better than cure, peanut allergy can be avoided if you’ve got a working knowledge of its symptoms and prevention methods.

Making seasonal allergies out-of-season


There’s a line in a song saying” it’s the most wonderful time of the year…” especially the much awaited Yuletide is coming soon. Many countries especially those located in the western hemisphere have changing seasons that brings a different ambience, weather and mood as well as seasonal allergies too.

Seasonal allergies happen when seasons change and people start having allergic reactions When seasons change, the air changes that comes along with breeze that brings pollen from tree s, grasses and weeds. Trees that can cause seasonal allergies are oak, olive, elm, birch, ash, hickory, poplar, sycamore, maple, cypress and walnut. Usually, plants are pollinated by bees such as flowers but wild plants like grasses and weeds pollinate due to the wind. These long-travelling pollens happens as wind scatters them across the air during spring or fall. When this happens, people begin sneezing, coughing, have itchy red watery eyes and trigger other related disorders such as hay fever, eye allergies and even allergic asthma. Normally, pollen allergies are abundant in the morning when wind is much stronger. This frequently happens during springtime.

Seasonal allergies are also common during summertime. The main reason behind such allergy are grasses. When it’s summer, homeowners regularly cut grass or mow the lawn then the wind spreads the grass pollen easily. In fact, many individuals experience itchiness when their skin comes in contact with grass causing hives which is known as urticaria. Regardless of whether grass, weed or trees trigger seasonal allergies, pollen is the main culprit.
How can we prevent exposure to pollen?

Because pollen is the main culprit behind seasonal allergies, it is practical to avoid pollen by doing the following:

1. Don’t leave your windows open.

2. Avoid going outside during the morning since pollen is airborne between 5am to 10am.

3. Schedule a vacation in areas like the seaside during pollen season

4. Avoid drying your laundry outdoors, use a machine dryer instead|

5. Close all windows of the car when travelling especially on highways.

6. Refrain from cutting grass or exposing yourself to grass cuttings.

Truly, having a good understanding of what causes seasonal allergies and knowing ways to prevent them can lead to a more productive and healthier living.

Learn more about fish allergy


On the past few years, millons of people all over the world have become conscious of their health. Because of this healthy eating habit people started to eat fish more over red meat such as beef or pork. Truly, fish is a part of a healthy diet since fish has high protein and even contain omega 3 fatty acids that are now recognized ideal for cardiovascular health. Unfortunately, as much as some people love to eat fish such as tuna, salmon, herring or any great-tasting fish – fish allergy is also possible.

Fish allergy is a special type of allergy that afflicts many people too. Although this type of allergy is considered part of the seafood allergy where other crustaceans or mollusks trigger allergic reactions. An individual with fish allergy can still enjoy eating shrimp, squid and other seafood delights. Fish allergy happens because the body reacts to a particular protein found in certain types of fishes such as tilapia, tuna, salmon, cod, pollock etc. Aside from directly eating fish, even inhaling fumes when preparing fish like frying or grilling can trigger an allergic reaction.

Fish allergy is inidicated by the following symptoms: itching, skin rashes, and respiratory problems such as difficulty in breathing. However, the most typical indication of fish allergy that shows within 2 hours of consuming fish is “oral allergy symptom”. This starts when the mouth feels a tingling sensation especially in the lip area. Additionally, digestive problems can also occur such as diarrhea and vomiting which needs medical help. From the given fish allergy symptoms, constriction of air passageways is the most lethal since the person will have difficulty in breathing. The result could lead to anaphylactic shock wherein blood pressure falls and the person can become comatose. Epinephrine treatment is the only remedy when shock happens. In case you or your loved one show mild symptoms of fish allergy, it’s ideal to avoid eating fish.

However, some dish prepared with fish sauce which is common in Asian or Mediterranean cuisine can start fish allergy when eating out. A good way to prevent this is to avoid ordering food prepared in such cuisine to be very safe.

Fish allergy may seem to be a small deal but is actually serious since one’s health should never be compromised.

Alternative allergy treatment: a possibility


Everyday, millions of people worldwide experience allergy attack. The typical symptoms like itching, red watery eyes, sneezing, coughing, swollen skin plus a host of other inconvenience afflicts a person with allergy. On top of that, there are many possible factors that trigger allergy found inside and outside the home. Because of this different types of allergy medicines known as antihistamines are produced by drug companies. However, synthetic medicines do have side effects such as drowsiness which is why alternative allergy treatment should be an option.One widely-known alternative allergy treatment is allergy elimination technique developed by a certain Dr Devi Nambudripad. The alternative allergy treatment is known as NAET Or Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique which is a homeopathic approach that uses a combination of chiropractic and acupuncture to cure allergy. In NAET’s website, a research made by the doctor reports that women who suffered from allergy were relieved of their symptoms after a few sessions using NAET in one of their homeopathic clinics. This alternative allergy treatment also suggets herbal supplements that are helpful in relieving allergy attacks. It is true there is still a need for a closer look at such methods, a lot of people have turned to NAET alternative allergy treatment which is considered non-invasive and very natural.

Another popular option for alternative allergy treatment are herbal medicines. Seemingly, individuals clamor for more natural solutions to relieve them from allergy attacks. Also, people are avoiding anti-histamines since these have unwanted side effects such as drowsiness, restlessness and upset stomach. This is plainly the reason why alternative allergy treatment such as ephedra, parley leaves or roots, ground ivy, ribwort plantain, eyebright and wild cherry bark are now used by some people who have allergies. Ephedra is regarded by many people as an effective allergy treatment but it is not advisbale for use by people who have hypertension and other heart disease.

Lastly, an additionalalternative allergy treatment is laser technology that reportedly gets rid of the typical symptoms of an allergy attack. This laser system is addressed to manage the immune system by integrating traditional acupressure into the procedure. Accordingly, this laser system works by correcting the errors in our immune system that triggers the allergy. Moreover, this method can address any type of allergy and less costly too. There are websites which promote this laser alternative allergy treatment method.

No matter what method you prefer to relieve allergy, it helps to do examine closely the option first as a safety measure.