‘Biopolar Disorder’ Category

Treatments For Bipolar Disorder

People who have bipolar disorder can look at alternative treatments so they can cope up with the debilitating effect. Alternative treatments for bipol...


People who have bipolar disorder can look at alternative treatments so they can cope up with the debilitating effect. Alternative treatments for bipolar disorder is are available so that those who utilize it can still function in their daily lives by managing the symptoms. It’s important to check on some further material on alternative treatments and consult the psychiatrist whether you can try them out. This will ensure that what you will try out will be safe and will not interfere in the effectiveness of your current medications.

One of the alternative treatments for bipolar disorder is the nutritional approach. Basically what it does is that it helps in the maintenance of your moods by taking in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to help stabilize your emotions and prevent the triggering of mood episodes. Other than the usually prescribed lithium, you may try mood stabilizing compounds such as Phosphatidyl Choline (Lecithin), L-Taurine, and GABA. If you are wary of taking such substances, you can also try out other nutrients that occur naturally which helps in maintaining mood as well. Vitamin B complex are included. B12, calcium, folic acid, magnesium, manganese, methionine, thiamin and zinc.

Culturally-based healing arts is another form alternative treatments for bipolar disorder. These methods have been practiced way before by our ancestors when they treat their body and mind. While several studies have actually discovered that they can contribute to physical and mental well-being, practitioners of Western medicine still disputes the effectiveness of these approaches. Some of these culturally based healing arts, which has its origins all over the world, are acupuncture from China, Ayurveda Yoga of India and sweat lodge and taking circles from Native American traditional practices.

There are also several relaxation and stress reduction techniques that may be considered as alternative treatments for bipolar disorder. You can gain a lot of information by enrolling in classes. Since stress can trigger an episode, reducing or controlling it is very important. During stressful situations, these relaxation techniques will help you stabilize your emotions. Some examples of stress reduction and relaxation techniques are guided imagery or visualization, massage therapy, and biofeedback.

Tips On Coping With Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar condition can be a reality check for people because this condition is with them for the rest of their lives. There are other things besides medication and therapy, that you can try so that you can live a meaningful and happy life. This will help you cope with bipolar disorder.

One of the best things that you can do in coping with bipolar disorder is by surrounding yourself with people who loves you and truly cares for you. A strong support group can conquer the debilitating conditions in your life. It is also ideal if you spend less time with people who often makes you feel bad, stressed, or emotionally drained so as not to contribute when you are on a depressive episode. But this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t build new relationships with other people or isolate yourself to a few ones. It can also help to join a bipolar disorder support group as these people understand what you are going through.

Stress management is one great method of coping with bipolar disorder. This is important because you don’t want to go through an episode of manic depression brought about by stress. You can achieve this by taking time of to chill down and enjoy your free time. Meditation is highly recommended for stress management. You must know how to multi-task and appropriate your energy, if not you would end up stressed out and highly strung.

Lastly, this will help you follow a daily regimen when coping with bipolar disorder. Creating a structure in one’s life can be hard for other people but it is necessary for people with bipolar disorder because it can help in stabilizing your mood swings which are what you are trying to avoid. You can achieve this by keeping a strict regimen of your daily activities.

Searching For Bipolar Disorder


Diagnosing bipolar disorder is a very delicate and sensitive procedure. Diagnosis of this symptoms is very difficult that is why some people don’t know they are afflicted with it. This is because the condition features multiple episodes. The manic phase are incorrectly perceived as a normal personality and therefore only the depressive symptoms are only described, and as a result, people with bipolar disorder are often incorrectly diagnosed with just depression. This article will describe the process of diagnosis for bipolar disorder.

Laboratory exams cannot detect bipolar disorder and therefore the most important tool in diagnosis of bipolar disorder is Mood Disorder Questionnaire or MDQ. This questionnaire must be answered by the patient so that the doctor can evaluate whether he or she is recommended for further tests or treatment.

The doctor also uses diagnostic exams to rule out other conditions and to shed light to your current one. Diagnosing bipolar disorder includes the person’s medical and psychiatric history. Medical history will include the current symptoms and the results of physical examination. This is because bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed because other illnesses and conditions share the same symptoms’. These includes a lot of ailments such as thyroid disorders, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, lupus, diabetes, epilepsy, salt imbalance, brain tumor and head injury.

When they are checking for psychiatric history of bipolar people, they would usually inquire about the symptoms of mental conditions. Family members are also asked if they experience the same symptoms because bipolar disorder is passed on genetically. Another important question that is asked during a psychiatric history is the occurrence of mood swings since this is one of the key characteristics of bipolar disorder.

By examining the symptoms, and doctors can conclude the it fits the condition, then they can diagnose it as bipolar disorder. The symptoms must be an everyday ocurrence. In order to diagnose if there is bipolar disorder, the condition of depression must be accompanied by bouts of mania.

Roots Of Bipolar Disorder


Biological and environmental factors play a big role in bipolar disorder. Each person has experiences different situations in life making this condition very unique. This article will help you discover things about bipolar disorder, its causes and how to cope with it.
One of the main causes of bipolar disorder that is always discussed in the literature, being the main biological cause, is genetics. In short, people who have bipolar disorder have a genetic disposition to the condition. While the exact genetic cause is still unclear, many twin studies have proven that the condition is indeed inheritable. Identical twins who have the same genetic composition are three times more likely to both have bipolar disorder than fraternal twins who have a different genetic makeup. Also, it is found out that family members of those who have bipolar disorder are more likely to have the condition than the families of person who do not have it.
Abnormalities in the neural processes in the brain is another biological cause of bipolar disorder. Researches points to this condition due to structural differences in certain brain areas. Bipolar disorder can be caused by neurological factors such as the imbalance of neurotransmitters.
The environment plays a big role in the causes of bipolar disorder. A person with bipolar disorder may still live a normal life especially if the environmental aspects of their life does not affect the initial stages of the condition. Environmental factors that can trigger bipolar disorders are traumatic childhood experiences, and so does stressful life events such as death of a loved one, loss of employment, displacement, etc.. Generally speaking, a lot of people experience these same stressful life situations but not all of them do not develop the condition. The unstable mixing of biological and environmental factors make bipolar disorder a potent brew.

Looking For Bipolar Disorder Support Groups


To help people with this condition cope up with their lives, it is advisable for them to join bipolar disorder support groups. It results from the fact that bipolar disorder is incurable and as of now all you can do with the symptoms is to treat it with medications. People who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder should accept the fact that they cannot hide from this condition and should be ready to go through the debilitating effects of this condition such as bouts of depression for the rest of their lives. People with this condition greatly needs social support that they can get, and it’s best that they get it from people who are nine other than those who share their pain, people from bipolar disorder support groups.

Joining bipolar disorder support groups is a great opportunity for you to surround yourself with people that will truly care for you. The bouts of depression that comes with this condition can cause you to feel bad about your life and isolate yourself from people around you. This is not a good way to deal your situation since such behavior will only further bring you despair and even suicidal thoughts. The proper way of dealing with bipolar disorder is making new relationships with people that you can trust and you can find them in bipolar disorder support groups.

You can find people who genuinely understand you and feel what you are going through in bipolar disorder support groups. How is it important for people with bipolar disorder? It is not a place where people with bipolar disorder come together to pity each other’s situation but it is a place where people really cares for you. But think of it as the sanctuary of people who needs to help each other surpass each sufferings and struggles caused by this condition. Furthermore, to help people with bipolar disorder carry on with their lives bipolar disorder support groups provide peer support and invaluable advice.

Do I Have Bipolar Disorder?- A Self-diagnosis


Is there a time when you asked yourself this question: do I have bipolar disorder? You do not need a degree in psychiatry to diagnose this condition, in fact it is possible for everyone as long as we assess our symptoms properly. But you must be well aware that a self-diagnosis should never be a substitute for a professional diagnosis but it can definitely aid us in deciding whether its time to go visit a psychiatrist or not. Here are some guidelines on how we can answer the question “do I have bipolar disorder?”

There are three preconditions for having bipolar disorder. These are the classic signs of the condition. If you have such experiences at a point in your life, then the answer to the “do I have bipolar disorder?” question is probably yes.

The first symptom that you have a bipolar disorder is a 2-week long clinical depression. It must not be mistaken to an ordinary feeling of depression but it taken into consideration that it might be a psychiatric disorder. Clinical depression is often experienced when a person is incapable of functioning normally due to feelings of loneliness and dispair. Symptoms like weight change, loss of appetite, lost of interest in things that were previously enjoyed, difficulty in sleeping, suicidal thoughts, inability to focus, and low activity levels are also included.

Mood cycles is the second sign that will indicate the answer to the question “do i have bipolar disorder?” While many people ordinary experiences mood swings at any given day, those who have bipolar disorder have a more complicated mood cycles because when it is combined with the other two main symptoms of the condition, it can construct such a huge effect on the lives of those affected by it.

The last indicator to help you know the answer to the question “do I have bipolar disorder?” is if you feel unusually hyper or weird during times of normal happiness. The most difficult part about it is concerning to the manic attribute of the condition. Most people including yourself can easily misrecognize such characteristic as a part of your personality when it is in fact caused by bipolar disorder. Some symptoms to help you further identify the manic dimension of bipolar disorder includes unusually increased feelings of confidence, being extra creative with a lot if ideas and plans, being more irritable and impatient with people, taking a lot of goal-oriented tasks, and feelings of heightened senses and emotions.

Bipolar Disorder And The Different Types


The three main types of bipolar disorder can be characterized by its manic depressive episodes. The person can be irritable in a manic episode due to hyperactivity and due to this, he or she is fully awake even during sleeping hours. In a depressive episode, the person experience sadness, melancholy, loss of hope and tends to be tired and weak, leading to periods of inactivity. The main differences between the types of bipolar disorder can be attributed to the severity or combination of these episodes.

Bipolar I disorder is one of the types of bipolar disorder and it fits the most classic concept of a manic-depressive person. People who have bipolar I disorder have a more prolonged manic episodes which may last from a week to several months. Another key characteristic of this type of bipolar disorder is that the person experiences delusions of grandeur on the manic phase.

The second classification of the types of bipolar disorder is called the bipolar II disorder. In this particular bipolar disorder, the person experiences a calmer hypomanic phase instead of a manic episode. By this process, they no longer have delusions and they can fit in and be functional as compared to those who suffer from bipolar I disorder. The hypomanic phase in this bipolar disorder makes the person so ecstatic that they even stop their medications so they can experience this episode longer.

Cyclothymic disorder is the third and last classification of the types of bipolar disorder. The mood swings of the person who has this type is milder, as compared to the first two types. This condition has been there for quite some time waiting to be developed into a full blown bipolar disorder.

In addition to those aforementioned types of bipolar disorder, a symptom called rapid cycling can also be considered as a sub-type. People who have this kind of bipolar disorder experience four episode changes in the period of one year. Others may suffer multiple episodes in one day leading to severe depression and suicidal tendencies.

A Short Background On Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder has a long history as seen by the etymology of melancholia and mania came from Ancient Greece. The Greek physician Soranus, in 200 A.D. also acknowledged that melancholia may be a disease of mania but he also described both melancholia and mania as distinct illnesses with different causes. In the meantime, another Greek physician Arateus of Cappadocia recognized both symptoms and contemplated if they are however related.

The history of bipolar disorder took a next major milestone during the 1650 when Richard Burton, a scientist, wrote the book The Anatomy of Melancholia wherein he discussed a great about depression. That work is considered as a classic today and many acknowledge him now as the “father of depression as a mental illness”.

It was only during the 1850s that a clear conceptualization of a manic-depressive condition was formed, considering the very long history of bipolar disorder. Jules Baillarger and Jean-Pierre Falret both presented a disorder that have the dual phase of mania and depression, and these two people have disputed as to who have conceptualized the condition first.

Another important moment in the history of bipolar disorder is when the term “manic-depressive psychosis” was coined by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin during the 1913. He observed untreated bipolar disorder patients and concluded that the bouts of manic depression have intervals of symptom free periods where the individual can function normally.

Meanwhile, to treat patients with manic-depressive psychosis by lithium carbonate was initiated by Dr. After the World War II, John Cade. In the 50’s hospitals began to utilize lithium on their patients. However, Lithium was only approved as medication during the 70’s by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Despite the long history of bipolar disorder, it is only institutionalized in 1968 during the first revision of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). In the 1980 DSM-III revision, the term manic-depressive illness was finally changed to bipolar disorder.

A Deeper Understanding On The Characteristics Of Bipolar Disorder


The manic-depressive psychiatric condition of bipolar disorder is one of its main characteristics. Bipolar people experience tremendous mood swings, from deliriously happy then a sudden shift to extreme melancholy. The sudden changes affects the energy level and as a result so does the level of activity. Bipolar disorder is such a debilitating condition that people who have it are unable to go through everyday tasks. This article will discuss a few more characteristics of bipolar disorder.

People who have bipolar disorder experience two distinct mood episodes. The manic episode is when the person is overly joyful while the depressive episode is when the person is extremely sad. Such characteristics of bipolar disorder make it very different from the usual mood swings that are experienced by anyone who doesn’t have the condition. There are even times of “mixed state”, it is an episode of combined symptoms of mania and depression.

The common traits or characteristics of a person with bipolar disorder in a manic episode are talking very quickly, getting easily distracted, being restless, decreased sleeping time, impulsive and high-risk behavior, having an exaggerated belief in one’s own abilities, and preference of taking goal-oriented activities. If in a depressive state, the bipolar person tends to be lethargic, experience melancholy thoughts, seems to be detached from the every day world and even contemplates suicide.

Your various daily activities can be severely affected by unstable emotions. Sudden changes in activity, sleep, behavior and energy are manifestations of the characteristics of bipolar disorder. And thus, the consequence is the person cannot cope properly at school, work or even at home.

The characteristics of bipolar disorder can be experienced differently by a person as one can go through a long period of unstable moods while others suffer distinct episodes of mania and depression. A bipolar person can be experiencing an episode if he or she is manifesting manic or depressive symptoms every day for two weeks.

A Deeper Look: Bipolar In Children


Bipolar disorder in children has it diagnosis traced back to the criteria of condition in adults. Bipolar disorder can be passed on from one generation to another so there is a possibility that symptoms can manifest early at a young age. Bipolar disorder in children is very difficult to manage because their social skills are still developing and they are still trying to fit in the society.

In bipolar disorder in children, those affected by it also experience the same manic and depressive episodes. This causes a lot of problems for the child’s behavior and makes it hard for them to get along with people at home or at school. Other children wouldn’t want to make friends with them and sometimes, even family members that are unaware of their condition despise them. These experiences could seriously mess up the childhood of such individuals.

Aside from the classic symptoms of the condition, bipolar disorder in children exudes other characteristics which includes explosive temper tantrums, separation anxiety, oppositional behavior, distractibility, hyperactivity, social anxiety, bed-wetting, night terrors, learning disabilities, manipulative behavior, excessive daydreaming, and many more . Bipolar children are more prone to mood swings than adults. Bipolar children have poor behavioral grades but have outstanding marks in academics. They are very prone to psychotic behavior manifesting in cruelty to animals, self mutilation, and even suicide.

If your child is manifesting signs of bipolar disorder, seek medical help. Though bipolar disorder is incurable its symptoms can be managed through medications and treatments. However, bipolar disorder problems doesn’t end with the treatment, family members should realize that this will be with them for a lifetime. You need to understand that the child has special needs and each family member must help each other out in coping with the circumstances.