IUD Family Planning

Family planning is an important issue for couples that must be carefully deliberated since it affects the reproductive health of both husband and wi...

Family planning is an important issue for couples that must be carefully deliberated since it affects the reproductive health of both husband and wife. There are many methods available for family planning that reproductive health professionals often advise to couples. One of the most popular method is IUD family planning. IUD means “ intra-uterine device “ also known as the “coil” by most women. Actually, it is a small device shaped like a T and carefully inserted by a doctor into the uterus. The procedure usually lasts for a couple of minutes and the woman can resume her normal activities after leaving the clinic. IUD family planning is popular since it is 98-99% effective in preventing conception. Some IUDs secrete progestin, which is similar to a female hormone and acts by preventing egg cells from being released into the ovary. In fact, most oral contraceptives ( pills) contain progestin.
IUDs can work for long-term as a method of family planning since it can stay in the womb between 5-10 years ( or until the couple decides to conceive). Another interesting thing about this device is that it can act as an emergency contraceptive device if used within five days of unprotected sex. IUD family planning is relatively easy to use since one can forget about it after being put in place. The doctor can check periodically if the threads are in its proper place so pulling it out would not be a problem. Unlike pills, episodes that are missed could lead to pregnancy. Even the husband would not feel anything irregular at all during intercourse although it takes time for some women to adjust having IUD in their system. Moreover, using IUD for family planning does not prevent any of the partners from sexually transmitted diseases. There is also a possibility for a woman to be infected when having multiple sexual partners while on IUD. IUD family planning can be a good option especially if couples lead busy lives.

The important thing is to discuss with a doctor this option to ensure all precautions are met before using the IUD.

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