What You Need to Know About Orchid Roots Growing Out of Pot

Because of the overwhelming number of people who want to grow orchids on their own backyard or house, wrong information about orchids have become ramp...

Because of the overwhelming number of people who want to grow orchids on their own backyard or house, wrong information about orchids have become rampant. The worst part is that it is not even concentrated in just one aspect of growing orchids. From orchid flowers not growing back to potting, there are lots of people who spread wrong information and there are also lots of people who believe in them. However when it comes to potting and orchid roots growing out of pot, here are the things that you should know.

When it comes to orchid roots growing out of pot, it is completely normal. Although not all orchid growers will be able to observe this, it does not mean that it translates to something horrible or something that is out of the ordinary. It does not also necessarily mean that you are not taking care of your orchids well enough. This is why if you observe that your orchid roots growing out of pot, don’t panic. Don’t be one of those people who overreact and start buying plant medicines immediately once they spot a single root growing out of the pot.

Orchid roots growing out of pot can mean a lot of things. For one, it can mean that you need to change the pot of your orchid plant because the roots are getting too big. In this case, the best thing to do is to transfer the plant into a bigger pot. Don’t even think of cutting down the roots that are starting to peek out of the pot. If you cut these roots, chances are it can lead to your orchid plant’s death.

This event can also happen if your orchid plant is simply just trying to position itself properly. However, no matter what the reason is, it is best if you do noting aside from repotting it. Always remember that orchids have their own special way of growing. Just don’t overly think of things because you’ll end up killing them instead of making them grow properly.

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