Smart Diet for Kidney Stones Prevention and Cure

Knowing which type of kidney stone you are highly likely to suffer from is very essential for creating a diet for kidney stones prevention. The two c...

Knowing which type of kidney stone you are highly likely to suffer from is very essential for creating a diet for kidney stones prevention. The two common types of kidney stones, calcium stones and uric acid stones, react differently to different diets. Your goal is to find out which diet will prevent you from suffering one form of kidney stone especially once you find out which of these stones has a high possibility of you suffering from it.

Drinking lots of water is your first line of defense against kidney stones. Water decreases kidney stones by flushing away unwanted toxins and substances in the kidneys that can contribute to kidney stone formation. Drink eight to ten glasses of water each day.

If you are at risk of calcium kidney stone formation, reducing your sodium intake can help a lot. According to research, excessive sodium intake can cause calcium to mix with urine. This contributes to the formation of calcium kidney stones. The recommended daily allowance of sodium should be at 2,400 mg. If you want to reduce sodium intake, you have to check nutrition labels on packaged food for sodium levels and avoid too much salty food. Avoiding foods such as hot dogs, frozen dinners, and fast food, will help in reducing your sodium intake.

Further diet for kidney stones prevention, specifically for calcium stones involves avoiding caffeinated drinks, peanuts, dark green vegetables, dark red fruit like cranberries, beans, tofu, draft beer, sweet potatoes. These foods contain a lot of oxalate, also a contributor to the formation of calcium kidney stones.

If you are at risk of developing uric acid kidney stones, avoid eating meat-based products as this will decrease the risks of suffering from this type of kidney stone. Diet for kidney stones specifically for uric acid stones involves limiting your consumption of meat to 6 oz. each day. Also avoid organ meats as much as possible. These organ meats are rich in purines which can cause uric acid kidney stone formations. Diet composed of soy, dairy and healthy greens reduce purine levels. Include in your diet legumes, whole grains, and vegetables and all the while avoiding alcohol consumption can significantly prevent the formation of uric acid kidney stones.

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