‘Potty Training’ Category

Potty Training Readiness

Old folks often tell stories of how they would potty train their kids as young as 6 months of age. Meanwhile other people believe that toddlers should...


Old folks often tell stories of how they would potty train their kids as young as 6 months of age. Meanwhile other people believe that toddlers should at least be 3 years old before potty training them. The truth is that there is no definitive age on when should parents start potty training their young ones. Child experts agree that it should be based on the potty training readiness of the kid, to ensure a successful and efficient training procedure.

The first potty training readiness factor that should be considered before toilet training your toddler is bladder readiness. Since babies are still developing their body parts, it is natural that their underdeveloped bladder can only hold a small amount of urine. As the child develop, his or her bladder increases and therefore they can store more amounts of urine for a longer period. Once you have observed that the length of time between urination of your kid starts to become longer especially during the day, then it is a sign of potty training readiness since the bladder is already developed.

The second factor that should be considered in potty training readiness is the psychological readiness. This basically means that your toddler is already aware that he or she is urinating or defecating. In addition, the child recognizes when he or she has a dirty diaper. Also, another component of psychological readiness is the interest or willingness of your child to use the potty chair. This is an important prerequisite because the child needs to have that notion in order to comprehend what potty training is about.

Finally the last factor that should be kept in mind as a sign of potty training readiness is the physical readiness. It is no good to teach a toddler how to control such bodily functions when they do not have yet the ability to go to a potty chair or pull their pants down. When a toddler is able to walk or at least move on his or her own and recognize where the bathroom is, that is the time when that kid is considered to be physically ready for potty training.

Potty Training Products


Potty training your child can be a very hard and time-consuming procedure but it is a necessary experience that all responsible parents and their children must go through. One way to make this process easier is by getting various potty training products that are available nowadays. While some of them are not really that necessary, potty training products can enhance the experience for your toddler, thus making it more enjoyable and productive.

One of the most common potty training products that are sold are of course potty training chairs. These potty chairs comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors to make them more attractive to the child, thus encouraging the appropriate behavior in potty training. There are wooden potty chairs, travel potty chairs that are portable, musical potty chairs, potty chairs for children that have special needs and many more. In choosing from these potty training products, consider the needs, size, and even the preference of your child so that he or she can utilize it well.

Another potty training products that you can get nowadays are potty training books and videos. These are interactive materials that can help you explain to your young one the importance of using the potty chair and how it is exactly done. These books and videos are especially created for young kids so that they can easily understand the content and keep them in their mind. They are also very entertaining so that they can grab the attention of your kid.

Rewarding a successful use of the potty chair is a great way to motivate a kid to repeat that behavior. An excellent potty training products that can be used are stickers, kids’ tattoos, iron-on transfers, and toilet decals. These things can easily bring happiness to your child and therefore is a great motivator. You can give your child a sticker that he or she can post in the potty chair each successful use of the potty chair. They can also be easily removed especially when your kid “accidentally” put one on the tiles or any part of the bathroom.

Of course there are still lots of other potty training products that are available today. While you and your child can certainly live without them (except of course the potty chair itself), these products can be worthwhile for their benefits if you have the extra bucks to spend.

Potty Training Problem


Potty training is a very long and tedious process and therefore it is very natural for parents to experience bumps along the way. It is therefore important that you stay patient and not give up too easily during the process as the future behavior of your child is at stake here. Here are some of the potty training problems that you may encounter and what you can do about them.

One of the common potty training problem is that the child seems to be not interested in potty training at all. This is really common and to be expected controlling the bowel and urine is the least of the concern of a very young children. To solve this problem, you can impart a sense of ownership on the potty chair by wrapping it as a gift or by decorating it with attractive stickers. You can also use books, toys, games , and other devices to make your kid more interested in the procedure.

Another usual potty training problem is that the child keeps on soiling his or her pants despite the potty training. Again, this could be an inevitable experience and it is possible that it can be prolonged. Some parents decide to go back on nappies or diapers when this happens and try again in another week. However, doing this can send out a wrong message to the child and can actually make potty training more harder than it is already. Therefore it is best that you just stick to the plan and be prepared to wash soiled clothes.

One frustrating potty training problem that you may encounter is that your child, after being successfully potty trained, starts wetting himself or herself again. It is possible that your child does not intend to do this on purpose so you have to be more understanding and not let your frustration show. Also it could be a sign that they have an underlying medical condition like bladder infection, threadworms, or constipation so it’s best that you consult with a pediatrician for an advice.

While potty training problems can be very inconvenient for both of you and your child, always keep in mind that it will be for the best in the long run.

Potty Training Made Simple


Many parents cringe at the thought of potty training their young ones. Sure, it involves a lot of hardwork and frustrations but when it is planned and done efficiently, potty training can be made simple. Potty training is an inevitable experience that must be undergone by both parents and their kids anyway so might as well make it easy and enjoyable for the both. Here are three simple steps on how potty training can be made simple.

The first step in potty training made simpler is telling. Basically this is the stage wherein you communicate with your child everything that he or she must learn and understand about potty training. These includes the various bodily functions and how to control them and also the function of using a toilet. The challenge here is how you can make these concepts easier to absorb to your child. You also must remember to speak in a matter-of-fact way so that your kid will take your discussion seriously and take the activity of going to the bathroom as a normal and natural occurrence.

The second step in potty training made easy is showing. What you as a parent need to do in this part is to demonstrate what you have discussed in the previous part. You need not to worry though, as you can always use devices such as books and instructional videos or DVDs to help you teach these things to your kids in a manner that they can understand. If you have another kid closer to your toddler’s age, you can use the older kid as a role model so that he or she can actually witness how it is done.

The final stage in potty training made easy is trying. This is the actual hands-on procedure period of the potty training procedure. It is important that you child undergoes through the first two stage prior to this so that he or she will understand what he or she is doing it for. An effective method is to develop a routine so that you child will easily remember what to do. In case your child slips up while peeing, never punish or yell at your toddler as it will make your kid uncomfortable about the experience.

These potty training made simple tips are easy and efficient methods that can help make this otherwise testing process uncomplicated and worthwhile.

Potty Training Ideas


Potty training refers to the process of teaching a child how to use the bathroom for defecation or urination. Also known as toilet training, it often involves using a bowl-shaped fixture known as potty. It is usually done when the child is already 1 year old and completed during the 4th year. Here are some potty training ideas that can help you successfully train your child to control his or her bladder and bowel.

One of the most important potty training ideas is the preparation for the training itself. You can do this by getting your kid his or her own potty chair for the procedure. You can also schedule the training such that it falls on the spring and summer season as people wear less clothes during those times. This means that it will be easier for both of you and the child because at some point it is inevitable that your kid will soil his or her pants. This way, a warmer weather is more manageable.

Another good potty training ideas to use during the procedure is by introducing the chair early. It is important because it may be harder for you to train your child when he or she is already older and is already used to defecating or urinating in a diaper or worse, in his or her pants. Look out for the signs that the child is already ready for training such as when he or she is already beginning to take interest in the bathroom, or when he or she is able to manage to stay dry for around two hours.

Potty training is a very long process that involves a lot of time. Therefore some of good potty training ideas are to be patient and creative. Do not give up on your child too easily when it seems that he or she is not making any progress. You can use positive reinforcement to help shape the behavior of the child. Also incorporating games, toys, videos, songs, books and other devices in the training can greatly contribute to the success of the procedure.

Potty Training Dogs


While potty training commonly refers to the process of training a child to urinate and defecate in the toilet, it can also be done for dogs if you want to house-train them. Potty training dogs is a necessary procedure that must be taught to a dog if you want it to live inside your house since you don’t want them to ruin your beautiful interiors with their disgusting and smelly excrements.

It is ideal to potty train dogs when they are still young puppies because as the saying goes, you cannot teach old dogs new tricks. In this way, their behavior is still very much moldable and you can prevent the bad habit of making your living room carpet their personal toilet.

The most basic method in potty training dogs is taking the dog out until they have done their thing, or a long time has already passed by with no results. The formula is that when dogs take in water or food, they pee or poop after 15 to 20 minutes. So in potty training dogs, you have to take it out in the morning after waking up, after breakfast, after lunch, after it naps, after dinner, after snacks, after taking it out of its crate, or when it whimpers during the night while indoors.

An important factor in the success of potty training dogs is the reward factor. You need to do a form of incentive when your dog successfully poops or pees outside of the house in order to impart that behavior on your pet. The simplest way to do this is to praise your dog in a cheery voice. Other people use clickers for a more efficient behavior modification, which is usually followed by a treat.

Of course there will be times when your pet will still poop or pee inside your house while still in the process of potty training dogs. When this happens, just quietly clean it up and ignore the dog. Do not punish or shout at the dog as it will just be counterproductive to your potty training. Just keep on repeating the process for a long time and the dog will surely learn this important behavior.

Potty Training Age


Potty training is a very intricate process that instills an essential behavior for his or her adult life. Therefore the timing of the potty training is a crucial factor that affects the duration and success of the procedure. Most new parents are wondering what the appropriate and effective potty training age is. Old folks potty train their children as young as 6 months old, while others claim that it is best to train them when they are already three. However, most experts now agree that there is no exact potty training age per se as every child develops uniquely so you cannot really compare one baby from another.

Statistically though, children often follow a certain pattern with regards to the behaviors concerning the potty training age. Almost all children learn to control their bowels first before their bladder. At their second year, most children will be dry during the day although they may occasionally wet their pants accidentally. Meanwhile, 90% of three year olds are dry during the day already. And by the time that children reach the age of four, they are already consistently dry. It is also worthwhile knowing that it is easier for children to stay dry during the day than during the night when they are sleeping.

The most important thing to consider when planning for your child’s appropriate potty training age is that they are physically and psychologically ready. It is the time when the kid is starting to exhibit signs of bladder control. During this time, the child is starting to become aware that he or she have wet their diaper or pants. Another sign is that the gap between wetting starts to become longer, say an hour. Also, another one is that when the child is showing interest in the bathroom and is wondering what it is for. When you have observed these behaviors from your child, then he or she is at the ripe potty training age.

Another important reminder is that there is no use in forcing potty training your child when he or she is not at the right potty training age. Physical and psychological readiness is essential for it to be successful and pressuring your child to undergo the training will just be counterproductive to your effort.

Potty Training A Toddler


Potty training a toddler is an important process that must be taught to every children as it is essential in their adult life. It is done using a toilet bowl-shaped apparatus known as a potty chair that can be easily accessed by young children and therefore ideal for potty training a toddler.

Before potty training a toddler you must ensure that your child is both physically and psychologically prepared for the procedure. While other people recommend a potty training age even as early as 6 months old, it is no use forcing the process on them when the child’s own faculties are not developed enough to learn such things. A told is considered to be physically ready when he or she has the ability to go to the potty chair by himself or herself. Meanwhile, the kid is psychologically ready when he or she already has the awareness or a notion of peeing or pooping.

To start potty training a toddler, the first step that you need to do is place the potty chair in a spot where the child can access it. Make sure that you explain what it is for. It is also helpful if you have an older young kid that can demonstrate how it is used.

A regular bowel movement of your child is useful when potty training a toddler because you can just anticipate the time when your child needs to use the bathroom. You can take advantage of this by removing the diaper right before this period so that your kid will be trained to use the potty chair everytime.

If your child slips up while using the potty chair, don’t feel so frustrated or scold the child. Punishing your kid is definitely not a good idea when potty training a toddler as it will make him or her more nervous and can produce counterproductive results. On the other hand, it is always a good idea to reward your kid after successfully a potty chair. A simple praise will do as giving your kid sweets or other foods can send a wrong message to the kid and may cause bigger problems later in life.

Nighttime Potty Training


Potty training is the process of teaching a toddler how to control their bodily functions when urinating and defecating using a potty chair. However, this procedure is usually aimed to teach children how to use the toilet during the daytime. A separate but related nighttime potty training is also required in order to teach you child how to stay dry during the night while sleeping, to avoid bedwetting behavior.

Like in normal potty training, nighttime potty training has a prerequisite as it requires readiness on the part of the kid for it to be possible at all. The toddler must already have a prior daytime potty training experience, and he or she must be familiar enough with the bed and have the ability to get on and off it.

Parents are faced with two choices on what to use as an undergarment during the nighttime potty training: training pants or underwear. Both have their own merits and disadvantages as well. Using training pants is very practical since they are disposable and the attractive character designs can help you encourage your child to avoid wetting themselves. However, they could send out a mixed message to the kid and cause confusion when transitioning to normal underwear. On the other hand, using underwear is the most straightforward way but be prepared to laundry tons of them as accidents are to be expected.

The most basic step in nighttime potty training is to wake the child a few times at night by gently calling his or her name while sleeping. Tell the child to use the potty while supervising the kid. Avoid physically assisting the child during the procedure to ensure that he or she will practice and learn on his or her own. The idea here is that the child achieves nighttime control of his or her bodily functions.

The other things that parents can do in implementing a nighttime potty training are leaving the lights on where it is needed by the child, clearing the floor off toys that can cause accidents, ensuring that there is enough tissue in the bathroom and that the toilet seat is down so that the child won’t fall in the bowl. These simple steps will help you and your child accomplish a successful nighttime potty training.

Cat Potty Training


Cats are amazing intelligent creatures that can be trained how to use your toilet when peeing or defecating through cat potty training. While most outdoor cats have no practical use of this as they can just do their thing outside of your house already, this can be quite useful for strictly-indoor pampered cats that usually have no idea where they are. And while a cat who is accustomed to using litter box is already practical as it is, a toilet-trained cat is way better because you don’t have to clean up at all, you have to do is just flush the toilet.

However, litter box training is a prerequisite for cat potty training as you will need the litter box to condition the cat to use the toilet bowl. The first step in cat potty training is moving the cat’s litter box beside the toilet bowl. This will make the cat become accustomed to the bathroom and condition it to poop and pee only in that place. Then after a period of time, gradually elevate the litter box until it is at the same level with the toilet seat. Make sure that you use stable materials as you don’t want your cat to feel insecure while training them.

At this point your cat should be jumping at the toilet seat first before climbing to the cat litter box. When this happens, place the litter box directly on the top of the toilet bowl. Then prepare the next stage of cat potty training by getting a metal mixing bowl that will just fit inside of your toilet bowl. Fill it with litter so that you can clean it afterwards. After a period of time, completely remove the litter box from the top of the toilet seat to train the cat to poop in the metal bowl.

The final stage of cat potty training is teaching the correct posture to the cat when pooping or peeing while sitting in the toilet bowl. Utilize praises and treats to help with the process. Once the cat learns the proper posture and balance without having to touch his foot on the metal bowl, you can remove the bowl from the seat and your cat is now already toilet-trained.