China’s Trade Regulations

Firms and companies who are interested in trading with other countries must take time to learn and be knowledgeable about their trade regulation laws....

Firms and companies who are interested in trading with other countries must take time to learn and be knowledgeable about their trade regulation laws. Import laws are very important because they are the government’s trade regulations that’s have been passed to prevent from other countries in dumping their products on another country. Despite a lot of multilateral agreements, China has a different set of import law which originates from its former set of policies. Nevertheless, being well-versed in China’s import law can provide leverage for your business.

China has been a member of the World Trade Organization for a number of years which makes it a good country to exchange goods with. China manufactures most, if not all products used by the world market which brings billions of money to China annually. The recent world crisis may have affected China but it has even strengthened China’s import policies including its import laws and trade regulations making it more open to the world market. According to news release by China Daily, China has strict regulations in inspecting commodities for either export or import.

China Import Law covers a lot of ground from tariffs to protect its own trade policies to technical regulations, restrictions and licensing of products. China is infamously known for imitation, piracy and violation of intellectual property rights but it is currently trying to rectify this reputation by improving regulations in that area. There are a lot of online sources available when it comes to China’s trade laws and other substantial information, for instance the WTO and APEC websites. There are online books that cover a variety of discussions on China’s import laws, such as Custom’s Law, Maritime Code, Laws regarding Import and Export Commodity Inspection, Custom Regulations of the People’s Republic of China, Administrative Punishments under Custom’s Law, Arbitration Rules from Maritime Arbitration Commission and a whole lot of other stuff. There are books available online that can be shipped within 24 hours. There are also sites that you can visit, just like ours, for a brief background on China trade laws.

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