Family Planning Benefit Program

One of the most important decisions that a couple must make in the course of their relationship is family planning. Smart choices in family planning m...

One of the most important decisions that a couple must make in the course of their relationship is family planning. Smart choices in family planning methods has long term implications for a family’s future. Fewer children could mean better allocation of family resources for food, education and other needs; however, there are many couples in dire need of family planning but cannot afford the services due to financial constraints. The solution to this problem is to avail of family planning benefit program that the state offers for its constituents. Controlling the population is also the state’s concern since an increased population is considered in urban planning and development.

Most states offer Family Planning Benefit program to individuals ages 10- 64 and whose family income does not exceed 200% of the determined poverty level. Qualified individuals can apply online by filling up a downloadable form and submitting it with all the information needed. An appointment is needed so that the health staff can properly assess the application and conduct an interview. At most times, the applicant must also bring some documents such as Photo ID, Birth Certificate ( to prove age), Naturalization certificate, Proof of residency, Social Security number, and Proof of recent monthly income and documentation of any child care expenses. Individuals under 21 years of age are also eligible to apply on their own based on their income. People who qualified for the program are notified within a few weeks after their application and would immediately receive a card that they can use when getting contraceptives from the accredited pharmacy. The card allows them to get birth control prescriptions at no cost at all. It is a standard practice that all applications are strictly kept confidential.

Family Planning Benefit programs generally offer services such as male and female sterilization, STD counseling and testing, HIV counseling and testing, birth control methods, emergency contraception and pregnancy testing. People with private health insurance can try to apply also if they prefer not to use their own health insurance plans but this must be consulted first with the staff. Indeed, Family Planning Benefit programs help the general public with their needs at no cost all.

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