‘Home and Family’ Category

The Best Ways To Go About Parenting Teens

Nobody ever said parenting a child of any age was easy and each age group presents its own challenges for parents.  With newborn babies, you have the...


Nobody ever said parenting a child of any age was easy and each age group presents its own challenges for parents.  With newborn babies, you have the challenge of learning how to actually be a parent to a new child because you have no experience.  Toddlers get into everything all the time and need constant supervision, not to mention that they like seeing how much they can get away with as they learn about the world around them.  And then you have teenagers, who are learning their place in the world and pushing all of their boundaries.

Many believe that parenting teens is the trickiest part of being a parent because you have to set limits but not stifle a child’s growth.  It can be very difficult to know when a teenager needs a guiding hand, especially if they do not talk to their parents about the problems in their lives.  Most parents assume that for their relationship with the teenager to be considered a good  one, it cannot be filled with fights and arguments but that’s just not true.  In fact, parents and teenagers arguing can actually be the signs of a healthy parent and child relationship because it means that a parent is involved in their child’s life and is setting appropriate boundaries in their life.

A common issue facing teenagers and their parents is the subject of illegal drugs and staying away from them.   Teenagers will be exposed to drugs at least once so they need to know how to properly react and make a good choice when it comes to using them and what their dangers are.  You should also have honest discussions about sex and its risks including unplanned pregnancies and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases.  Being honest about these things can help make sure that your teen is capable of making the best decisions on their own when they are faced with these things.

It’s also extremely important that you let them know that they are loved and cared for very much no matter what they do decide to do.  Listen to them when they express opinions about things ‚Äì don’t just lecture, actually listen.  It’s equally as important to let them know that even if they do make a bad choice that you are still there for them and are not going to stop loving them because they did something that was less than ideal.  Parenting teens can be very difficult but open communication can really help.

Parenting Tips For Preschoolers That Actually Work


It can be the toughest thing in the world to be a parent and especially to be a good parent.  Raising a child comes with its ups and downs but you love your child more than anything and want to provide the best life for them.  If you have a child that is preschool aged then you are probably going through a whole new set of troubles, because they are not a baby anymore and they are starting to get their own little personality.  There are a few parenting tips for preschoolers that can be really helpful if you are dealing with children this age.

One of the best tips for parents of preschool aged children is to make sure they are having fun.  This sounds easy enough but once a child has been put into daycare or is in preschool they are starting to grow up and this can be hard to deal with.  You want to appreciate this time while they are still young and let them know that just because they are starting to have to deal with some responsibility that they can still be a kid and have fun.  Always use your imagination and do not be afraid to get down to your child’s level and play with them.

Let them be creative and always find quality time to spend with your child, even though it may feel as though you are so busy you have no time for it.  If you spend that time to share with your child they are going to learn early on that they can rely on you.  You do not want to seclude or shut yourself off from your child and make them feel they have no one to talk to.  Another of the most important parenting tips for preschoolers is to have patience.

When you are dealing with a child this young it can be hard to control your temper sometimes.  You do not want your child to see you lose your cool and freak out, especially over things that are so minor in retrospect.  They usually have pretty limited attention spans so it can be hard to keep them focused.  If you want to try your best and have patience, think back to when you were a child and realize what they are going through at this tender age.

You want them to cherish this time and be able to still be a kid.  Parents need to be able to sympathize with their children and let them know they understand.  Even just at preschool age life can seem really hard when you are that small and as their parent you should be there to support them.  With these parenting tips for preschoolers you will be able to relate more to your child and hopefully prevent any problems arising between you.

Parenting Support Groups: A Release For Parents


Being a parent is one of the most challenging things in the world, there is no doubt about that.  Even when parents are still together it is a full-time job raising a child, let alone if you have more than one.  Parenting support groups are set up for just this reason.  For one thing they give you a group of people who are parents just like you and who will be there to support you.

They understand how hard it can be to raise a child and still have patience and keep from getting frustrated.  The whole point of a support group is to be there to support one another and the parents who join up to these groups understand that.  These are people who will be there for you to shoot ideas off of and who you can talk to about things you feel you are doing wrong.  Even if you have your own set of friends which you probably do, parenting support groups can always be a huge help.

There are a few options you have if you want to get signed up to a parenting support group.  Whatever the case may be, you can take a look around your local area and find out which parenting support groups are available.  Or you could head online and find what you need there, as there is a wealth of online parenting support groups set up.  This is more preferable for many parents who are busy but who still want the help of a support group.

If you have a really hectic schedule this would save you a ton of hassle because you would not have to worry about finding a place for the kids to go before heading off to your meeting each time.  It saves you the hassle and gas money of having to actually go back and forth every time there is a meeting.  Instead, you can just flip on your computer when it is time and have your meeting right from the comfort of your own bed before the kids wake up if you want to.  It is not hard to see why so many parents are eager to sign up with parenting support groups.

Especially considering that this generation of kids is being introduced to things like sex and drugs at such an early age, parents can use someone to help them out.  When you do not know where to turn you can rely on your parenting support groups.  Whenever you feel stressed or do not know which way to turn you can rely on these parenting support groups to help.  You will be so glad that you took the time to join a parenting support group like this.

Divorce Parenting Tips And Advice


If you are going through a divorce in your life you obviously understand just how hard it really is.  This is not something that anyone expects to have to go through but which does happen, and quite a lot these days.  This is not something that any plans for and when you get to that point where you both feel as though divorce is only the answer you are probably at your wit’s end mentally and emotionally.  As a grown adult if you are going through a divorce it can be devastating but just think about what effect it is having on your children.

Adults often get so caught up in their own worries and woes when going through a divorce that they forget to realize their children are really getting the grunt of it all.  Even if the children are quite young they can still see what is going on and sense the emotional trauma that is taking place in their household.   Parents should always see a marriage counselor or take other routes to try and work it out before giving it the final answer.  Life must go on even after a divorce has been decided upon however and there are some important divorce parenting tips that can help.

Even when you are going through something as tough as a divorce, never put yourself first.  Just because you are going through all of this you sort of have to put your feelings aside or find other ways to deal with them and make sure your child is okay first and foremost.  This may not seem to do too much damage at first but children are like little sponges and soak everything up.  The last thing they need to hear at such a delicate time is one parent bad mouthing the other.

You may not think your child is even listening but they are actually absorbing all the information you are giving them and doing something like this can be really damaging for them in the long run.  After the divorce proceedings have started you may notice their behavior has changed a bit.  The reason is because they are probably very hurt right now and kids do not know how to handle such strong emotions so they often lash out in such a manner.  Try not to yell or get too frustrated with them and instead just take a timeout together and have a talk.

Children who have parents that are divorcing need to know that it is not their fault.  Children see divorce as a way of their parents not wanting to be together because of something they have done.  If you ignore things and let your child deal with all that worry and guilt they are feeling, it is more likely than not going to continue to get worse and worse.  As a responsible parent you should be more than happy to be there to show love and support to your child.

Different Styles of Parenting


Being a parent is similar to walking on the tightrope, and people have different views regarding how to rear their children.  To achieve the balance between discipline, love and becoming a good parent, some people take advice from their experienced friends, some attend the classes being offered in the community and few like to take the tips from parenting books.  When it comes to parenting, there is no right or wrong approach, however, many psychologists and other social scientists believe that there are certain parenting practices that yield the positive outcomes.  It is very difficult to find the cause-and-effect relationship between certain actions of parents and associated behavior of their children.

Children sharing a home and raised in same environment may grow up to have absolutely different personalities and children raised in different environment can grow up having similar personalities.  Using parental interviews, several research methods and naturalistic observation, four important dimensions of parenting have been identified.  These dimensions are warmth and nurturance, disciplinary strategies, expectations of maturity and control and communication styles.  Based on these four dimensions, most of parents display a parenting style.

In case of authoritarian parenting, parents expect their children to follow a set of specified rules laid by them, and failing to do so results in punishment.  Only parents define the rules, and children are not given the reason for following them.  Authoritarian parents can be very demanding, but not responsive to their kids.  Parents who adopt authoritarian style are obedience and status oriented, and they expect children to follow the rules without questioning their authority.

Parents following the authoritative style establish the guidelines and rules for the children.  However, authoritative style of parenting is more democratic where parents are responsive to their children.  In case of authoritative parenting, if the children fail to meet the expectations, parents are more forgiving and nurturing, and usually do not punish.  These parents set clear standards, but are not intrusive or restrictive.

In case of permissive parenting style, the parents have only limited demands from their children, and these parents do not discipline their children.  These parents also have low expectations in terms of self-control and maturity.  These parents are lenient and non-tradition, allow considerable self-regulation, no not require mature behavior and do not like confrontation.  These parents are more like friends than the parent to their children.

Uninvolved parents have little communication with their children, have few demands and expect low responsiveness.  These parents fulfill all the needs of children, but they are generally detached from their children‚Äôs lives.  In some extreme cases, these parents may also neglect or reject the basic needs of their children.