‘Home Based Business’ Category

Young Entrepreneurship: Setting Up a Baby Sitting Business

Starting any type of business can be very difficult for anybody no matter what your age may be. This is why you should never believe that you are too ...


Starting any type of business can be very difficult for anybody no matter what your age may be. This is why you should never believe that you are too young to start a business of your own. However, you have to remember that in order to become a successful entrepreneur, you have to choose the right business. If you’re too young to work, then you might want to start small, think baby sitting business. It’s easy to establish and there is no apparent age limit. Here are some tips that can help you establish a baby sitting business.

The baby sitting business is all about establishing a very good repertoire of customers. You can’t expect customers to come to you all on their own which is why you have to learn how to advertise yourself.

Establish a good reputation every time that you are called to baby sit. Make sure that you don’t screw up in any way since in the baby sitting business, your reputation is everything. You just need one bad baby sitting experience to end your business forever. This is why you have to do well in every single call.

If you can’t get anybody to hire you, start with your relatives or family. This is a great opportunity for you to advertise yourself. All you have to do is tell your relatives to pass the word around that you are a good baby sitter. If they’re still thinking of not hiring you, what you can do is strike a good deal. You can tell them that you will baby sit for free if they tell other people that you are a good baby sitter. From there, work your way up the baby sitting business corporate ladder.

Once you have a good clientele, think about going online. Use social networking sites to your advantage. No business is too big or too small for the internet. Ask for testimonials from your customers to show people that you are a very responsible baby sitter. Do everything that you can to make sure that you get to inform people how great you are.

The Basics of Baby Sitting Training


Having a baby sitting certification has to be one, if not the most effective way to make a baby sitter become successful. Not only does it attract more customers, it can also boost the confidence of a person. However, before a baby sitter can get a certification, he or she has to take a lot of classes. The most important class that they have to take is baby sitting training courses.  Here are some of the things that baby sitters should be aware of with regards to baby sitting training.

There are two ways that a baby sitter can undergo baby sitting training. The first way is to take online courses. As of today, there are a lot of websites that offer online courses. Although it is more convenient, a lot of parents actually prefer to hire those baby sitters who have undergone actually baby sitting training.

When it comes to actual courses, baby sitters should expect to be trained for a lot of things. These training sessions include lectures on the right toys and foods for babies and young children. These courses even offer lectures on how to properly discipline children. Normally, these courses are not really that long. Some of them run for 2-3 weeks. A longer course does not guarantee a better training program though. Also, the rate is not really a good basis if a baby sitter is looking for the right class to enroll in.

The American Red Cross Baby Sitter’s Training is one of the most recognized training programs in the entire country. What is so great about their program is that they have a special program for different age brackets. Their baby training curriculum is also very carefully mapped. This is why their programs are not just age appropriate. Their programs also guarantee that the baby sitters that will finish their baby sitting training will know more than just the basics.

Baby sitters should be prepared to learn how to do basic first aid. They will also learn about handling babies. Some baby sitting training programs even teach baby sitters how to land a baby sitting gig.

Selecting the Right Baby Sitting Services to Get


Parenthood has certainly evolved together with the rest of the world over the course of the years that has passed by. They now have the liberty of having a life outside of their home because of different baby sitting services that are available. However, all parents should remember that not all baby sitting services are worth the money and the trust.

There are a lot of irresponsible baby sitters out there who do not have the ability to give the slightest care to their child. Here are some of the things that they should watch out for when it comes to baby sitting services.

The person that they are considering to hire for baby sitting services should have a good reputation. The best way to test the efficiency of a baby sitter is by hiring him or her. By looking at a baby sitter’s clientele and listening to what they have to say, parents will be able to accurately tell  if he or she is a good baby sitter or not.

Parents should also think about the rate of these baby sitting services. Not all expensive services are good while not all cheap baby sitting services are bad. Parents should always remember that it is one thing to be frugal but careful and another thing to be just frugal. They should never put the lives of their children in jeopardy just to save a couple of bucks. The children’s safety should always come first.

Aside from the hourly rate, parents should also think about the baby sitter that their children actually wants. The baby sitter and the children are the only ones that knows what happens once parents step out. This is why once parents get to test a certain baby sitting service out, they should ask their children of what they think about their baby sitter. If parents suspect that something is up, they should consider setting up hidden cameras so that they will know what is happening behind closed doors. This is the only way that they can get the real details.

Fun Baby Sitting Activities for Baby Sitters and Children


Baby sitting is not just about making sure that all the children are safe and sound by the time the parents return. Baby sitters should remember that they should also do everything that they can to ensure that the kids that they are baby sitting enjoy their company. This way, the children will be able to give a positive feedback to their parents thus making the reputation of the baby sitter ten times better. The best way to do this is by hosting different baby sitting activities that children love. Here are some of them.

When dealing with babies, baby sitters should often change the scenery. They could make them sit on a sit up ring and then play with them inside the playpen after. This ensures that the babies won’t get bored easily.

If they’re not exactly babies any more, baby sitters should consider more interactive baby sitting activities. These include dancing and singing. When it comes to singing, they should only sing educational songs that are meant for children. Although pop songs are catchy and can easily be sung, their parents might not like it so baby sitters should be on the safe side. When it comes to dancing on the other hand, baby sitters should never take their eyes off the children to avoid any injuries.

Toddlers are very energetic which is why baby sitters should be able to keep up. They should introduce problem solving games such as shape sorters. This way, toddlers will be preoccupied and they will not think of playing around too much. They also have incredibly short attention span. This is why baby sitters should be prepared with a lot of activities so that they won’t run out of something to do.

If the children are already going to school, consider dancing and singing to nursery rhymes as much as they want to. Baby sitters should also bring nursery rhymes of their own so that it will quench the thirst of older kids to learn something new. It will keep the children interested and focused.

Baby Sitting Safety: What All Baby Sitters Should Know


The fundamental principle of baby sitting is keeping the kids safe until the parents get back. This is why baby sitters should take all the necessary steps in order to ensure that the kids are safe and sound no matter how hard and troublesome these steps may be. Here are some baby sitting safety guidelines.

Baby sitters should first make sure that intruders won’t get in the house in any way. This is why they should make sure that all windows are closed properly and all the doors are locked. They should double check them once the parents are gone. However in doing so, they should also develop an escape plan if something goes wring inside the house which may require them to move out quickly.

The areas that are accessible to the kids should be child proof. Baby sitters should not just leave this job to the parents and just make do with the child safety equipments that they already have. Good baby sitters always know that they should bring things that can child proof the home which they could also remove once the parents have returned.

The most important thing that baby sitters should remember about baby sitting safety is to never take their eyes off the kids. Kids are unpredictable and they hyperactivity can make them think and act fast.

When it comes to playing, baby sitters should keep bite sized toys out of the kids’ sight. They should not even see them because if they do, they might end up wanting to play with it. The same rules apply to toys that have pointed sides and those toys that have strings and cords that may cause choking. This is actually one of the cornerstones of baby sitting safety since playing is a very huge aspect in a kid’s life.

Another cornerstone of baby sitting safety is keeping all hazardous, poisonous, flammable and irritating chemicals away from the kids’ reach and not just simply tell them not to touch it. A good baby sitter should take it upon himself to put those chemicals away accordingly if the parents haven’t already done it.