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Facts About Bee Keeping: The Right Career For You?

For anyone who is just out of high school or eve who is older and looking to switch to a new career, the idea of getting started in bee keeping may be...


For anyone who is just out of high school or eve who is older and looking to switch to a new career, the idea of getting started in bee keeping may be the perfect idea.Although this career is still relatively overlooked it is starting to become quite popular.There are a few important things about bee keeping you will want to learn before deciding for sure whether or not this is the right career path for you.Bee keeping, which is also referred to as apiculture, is a very unique and interesting career.

In it bee keepers are the people who work with hundreds to thousands of bees at a single time.Bees are crucially important to the world we live in today and so in turn, so are bee keepers.Bees are agents of cross-pollination and many plants are dependent upon them as well.Of course they are also used for making honey and related food products.

If you take the time to learn about bee keeping, you will be able to make a better decision on whether or not this is actually a good career move for you.You can also fulfill a sense of excitement and adventure.If you love adventure and want a job that is going to keep you on the toes, this may be an ideal career for you to get into.It is certainly nothing like the regular 9-5 office job.

Of course one of the most appealing parts of becoming a bee keeper is the salary you receive for your work.Even when you get accepted to your first bee keeping job you can expect to be paid anything from $40,000 to $45,000 and that is just the average.To become a bee keeper all you have to do is take a bee keeping class to attain all the necessary skills.Here you are going to learn everything from how to handle the bees to how to react in emergency situations.

Here they will learn about bee keeping and how to react around the bees as to not disturb them.Once you have gotten the necessary skills you can start applying for jobs.More people are starting to recognize what a great job opportunity it is and are taking advantage of it.It is definitely a worthwhile career to get into.

Essential Bee Keeping Equipment


Bee keeping is an age-old practice that has been embraced by many all around the world.One of the main reasons why it has been loved by many is because of its economic sense where people can make a good living out of it.Many people do it just for fun and no matter what the motivation is people need to have all skills necessary for it.However, for good results to come with bee keeping, the right equipment has to be used.There are countless items that will lead to success and this article looks at the item details that will allow this process to go smoothly.Having said all this, modernity has brought innovative tools to make the process even better.

In the past, bee keeping used to be done using the very basics but here is a look at some of the top equipment that is available to people who are interested in keeping bees.The most important equipment is the beehive and without it, bees will not have the anchor they need to produce honey.The beehives will vary in size and people can opt to go for contemporary models while others can go with the good old-fashioned ones.Taking time to look at products in the market is a wise move and with these products, there is no exception.This will save a lot of time and even money.Clothing that is special will be pivotal as well.The clothing is at the heart of the practice.

Bees are not just known to sting but they can also cause death to those without protective gear.For this reason, it is paramount to know the best protective clothing and purchase products that will fit the bill.Many stores that offer these products will not let many down because good prices are available and some research will reveal them.All these products can be gotten easily at fair prices and keepers of bees should consider this.A smoker is another tool that will be considered essential and Italian smokers are widely known. Again, smokers come in great variety and shoppers will be spoilt for choice.

There are many other products that will see to it that bees are kept and that the honey is finally harvested without problems.They are as highlighted bellow and in the market, people will find all these products.There are bee boxes, brushes, grafting tools, wax uncapping knives, honey extractors, pet control equipment, honey pumps and many others.Do not forget that bee keeping books and other resources are vital tools that will guide many into excellent bee keeping.

Crucial DIY Bee Keeping Guidelines


Bee keeping has numerous benefits.The honey that is made by the bees is the first.The other is the money made from selling the products of the bees and the bees themselves.If you would like to engage in beekeeping and do it from your backyard, here is a do it yourself guide.

The first thing you should do if you are going to rear bees successfully is to read.Before you even purchase any beekeeping equipment such as hives and smokers, ensure you have a clear understanding of how the colonies work as well as the some of the problems you may encounter.In addition, check what the laws in your locality say about beekeeping.At this point, you may then purchase beekeeping equipment.The most crucial equipment piece you need is the hive.You may either assemble one yourself or buy one that has already been put together.If you decide to put one together, you will require a bottom board, queen excluder, supers, frames, inner and outer covers as well as a hive body.Instructions on how to make a hive may be obtained from the internet.Additional equipment you will be required to buy are smokers, protective clothing and feeders.If you are a beginner, it is important that starts with a small hive.Large hives house many bees, which are likely to overwhelm you especially if you are just a beginner.

Take some time and make a short trip to a bee-keeping farm.As opposed to only reading about it, you could learn more from watching a beekeeper at work.Next, you can acquire the honeybees.You can purchase them from other beekeepers or from the internet.Honeybees that are buy online are transported in parcels that weigh between two and five pounds that hold 15 000 bees.You must start by procuring your bees if you are a beginner.When you get accustomed to handling bees, you can then capture swarms that have branched from other colonies and acclimatize them to your hives.Once the bees have settled in be sure to feed and medicate them.This ought to be carried out in the first sixty days.You should also be sure to inspect the hives on a growth and disease symptoms habitually.You could gather the honeycombs and honey once the bees have made adequate amounts of it.There are two ways to do this.Use a honey extractor or cut chunk of the comb from the frame and wrap it in plastic.

A Short Beekeeping History


Many people know that keeping bees is among the oldest activities by humans.Because it has had many gradual changes over the years, people can see just how far it has come and how long it has been around.Although bees have been in existence for many years now, it was much easier to keep them years back as opposed to how it is today.One way we can understand just how important bees are is by looking at how long beekeeping has been practiced in many different parts of the world.According to many cave paintings and drawings, people in parts of Spain and Africa started collecting honey and keeping bees more than 15,000 years ago.One of the main reasons why people kept bees is, of course, to get honey as a source of food from them.They used honey to sweeten their drinks and other foods and make wine and other anti-bacterial agents.They also used bees to collect wax, which served as an ingredient for medicine, a binding agent and for making candles and mead.

Bees were mainly located in forests and other sheltered parts of the land.To make the process of collecting honey and wax easier, people decided to build their own beehives in order to have the bees there when they needed them.History dictates that Egypt was one of the places that made the initial beehives, which were made out of anything that could create dark compartments where the bees would work.Other civilizations to be referenced as having made their own beehives are the Romans and the Ancient Greeks.Creating beehives because even more useful because this meant that the hives were not destroyed every time honey was collected.

The first portable hive was made by an Italian who had migrated into the United States.He says he drew his inspiration from a book that was published in the early 1850’s and understood the distances that bees leave on the honeycombs when creating them.With that knowledge, he was able to create a hive that bees could work in comfortable and it later evolved into the modern hive used today.Another advantage is that the combs could be slid out of the hive for inspection or honey gathering then put right back without destroying them.This ensured that no more bee colonies or beehives would be destroyed when collecting honey.People have discovered over the years several ways to help the bees produce more honey as well as make a difference in other aspects such as pollination.

Using Dog Training Aids


It’s important that every dog is trained properly.  Even if you don’t care too much about teaching your dogs all those fancy tricks, there are still some basics that you should cover.  A lot of owners assume that they need to hire a professional dog trainer for this when this is actually not always the case.  There are some dog training aids that have proven to be very effective and which are at least worth looking into here.

One of the best dog training aids is the bark collar.  This is a device that is used to teach the dog to stop barking for no reason.  It’s helpful for a dog to bark at night when they think there’s an intruder but when they’re barking constantly for seemingly no reason it can just be downright annoying.  The bark collar will give a light zap to the dog when they bark, which will cause them to stop right away.

At nighttime for instance it’s best to keep the collar off the dark, so they can bark at intruders.  There is also the training dumbbell which is especially helpful for dogs who are training to be hunting dogs.  This is a training aid that’s used for training hunting dogs because it works on their retrieval skills.  The dumbbell is the same weight as the average prey so they dog will learn how to retrieve the object and bring it back to you as quickly as possible.

There are also clicking devices which are effective dog training aids.  Whether you’re working on teaching your dog to sit, roll over or perform any other tricks you want to use this clicker every time the dog obeys your commands.  Every time the dog obeys your command and does what you’re telling them, you pat them and click this device.  Then over time you can take the positive reinforcement away and the dog is going to continue responding even without it.

Dogs with anxiety will often have problems with housetraining and barking.  With these dog training aids you can teach them how to be a well behaved dog.  There are hundreds of different dog training aids to choose from.  Before you go out and invest money in any dog training aids, it’s important to determine what the problems are and which aids stand to offer the best results.