‘Pets’ Category

Reasons to Choose the Proform Crosswalk Treadmill

Of all the different pieces of equipment a person could have in their home gym the treadmill is one of the most important.The toughest part is taking ...


Of all the different pieces of equipment a person could have in their home gym the treadmill is one of the most important.The toughest part is taking the time to shop for a treadmill because there are so many to choose from.The most important thing is to watch for the brand name of the treadmill to ensure that it is of good quality and worth buying.There are a few reasons in particular for this and which shoppers will want to be aware of before heading out in order to make the right purchase and make sure that they are getting a treadmill they are actually going to enjoy using.

One of the reasons that people love the Proform Crosswalk treadmills so much is because there are so many great features offered.No matter what features a person may be looking for in a treadmill they will be able to find in a Proform model.There are even some Proform treadmills that have CD players and built-in workout fans.This makes working out as comfortable an experience as possible which is really helpful.

Another reason that people turn to the Proform Crosswalk treadmill lineup is because they are so affordable.That includes the fact that they are quite affordable compared to other treadmills on the market today.There is even the option of getting a payment plan.This way smaller payments are made monthly rather than making a huge payment right up front.

Another reason the Proform Crosswalk treadmill is so popular is because it is so durable.It is always a relief when spending such a large sum of money to know that the investment is well worth it.People also need to be aware that Proform is always bringing out new models of treadmill.People should also always check with the Proform Company to see what new makes of treadmill are in store.

It is easy to see why the Proform Crosswalk treadmill is a bestseller.People all over the world have been buying these treadmills out of fitness equipment stores and they have been selling like hotcakes.There are no other treadmills like it available today.This treadmill will be a great new piece to a home gym and help to tone and shape those thighs and buttocks.

Two Of The Most Important Search And Rescue Dog Training Techniques


Whether you’re planning to have them become a professional search and rescue dog or not, there are certain search and rescue dog training techniques that you’ll want to teach your dog.  You never know when a skill like this could come in handy.  You never know when it could come in handy and the more skills your dog learns the more obedient they will be.  First it’s important to work on your dog’s personality.

The ideal search and rescue dog is one that is even-tempered, able to stay calm even in stressful situations, obedient and adaptable.  Large breed dogs are always best for search and rescue, because of course a Chihuahua is not going to be exactly helpful when you’re trying to find someone and have them rescued.  There are a few different search and rescue skills that a dog can learn.  They may either focus on a particular area of search and rescue or have several skills.

To become an air scent dog dogs must learn how to track people down just by sniffing the air.  These dogs search for people hidden and trapped under piles of snow as a result of an avalanche.  Avalanche dogs are used in locations like British Columbia and Aspen where avalanches commonly occur and cover people.  The best search and rescue dog training technique to start with is to hold the dog and have someone else stand a few feet away with a treat or toy.

Make sure that the dog’s not struggling or trying to force their way out of your grip and towards the object.  They should fly over, retrieve the object and bring it back to you.  Another helpful search and rescue dog training technique is to take a sock or other undergarment and let the dog smell it.  Another technique that works well is to first have the dog smell a sock or piece of clothing, then take the dog away and hide that object somewhere relatively far away.

You can also make it a bit more challenging and bury the object under a pile of grass or snow and see how long it takes the dog to retrieve it.  It can take a dog two years and even longer to gain the skills of a reliable search and rescue dog.  There are some fantastic dog trainers that specialize in search and rescue.  If you’re having troubles working with your dog on this you can always hire a professional trainer to help out.

K9 Dog Training Tips and Techniques


Dog owners know that dogs have to be trained if they are to offer the kind of security require of them.  The belief among many people is that dogs are trained so that they can obey their masters and do whatever is commanded of them.  However, this notion is very misplaced and in fact most people train their dogs to make the bond between them and their pets stronger and also to increase the safety that the dog as well as other people will feel and have in the company of each other.  Security dogs need to be trained to ensure that they understand how to react to their owners being attacked and how far they should take a defense.  Dog training also makes communication with the security dog easier as it will be able to understand what it can or cannot do.  Therefore, security dogs should be trained to ensure that they understand the roles in the life of the people they are supposed to be protecting.

When training a security dog, it is important to ensure that it understands whatever lessons are being taught.  Puppies are easier to train as they have not yet formed a character and they can easily be shaped at a young age.  If the dog being trained is an adult, then different techniques and training methods would have to be used.  An adult dog already knows how to react and trying to get it to stop is difficult.  For large and small dogs alike, regardless of their ages, the most important training technique is getting them to learn how to obey commands.  This initial lesson is called obedience training and at first involves teaching the K9 to recognize its name and how to respond to it.  Other phases of obedience training such as recognizing danger and how to react to it can then gradually be introduced after this first phase.

Because obedience is the most important part of training a dog, other lessons can then simply fall in place after this initial training.  When a dog obeys and responds to people giving instructions, it will become more docile and manageable and will therefore play a more important role when expected to offer protection to its owner.  Because of this training, many trained dogs understand that they should not attack unless they sense danger and they are trained how to recognize danger.  Owners of security dogs such as police officers or property guards should be keener on their dogs because they are solely for security purposes.

Important Dog Obedience Training Tips


All dogs need to be properly trained.  This is not only going to make the owner’s life more easier, but the dog’s as well because then they aren’t going to be constantly yelled at and disciplined.  It’s all in the hands of the owner and any person who wants to own a dog is going to have to make sure that they take the time to train their dog at least the basics.  Dogs should not jump up on people when they enter the home, run away at the park or otherwise act in a manner where they are disobeying their owner and being disruptive.

One of the best dog obedience training tips is to socialize the dog correctly.  A lot of people make the mistake in thinking that by keeping their dog at home this will make them more polite and obedient but this is actually not the case.  No dog should be kept in home all the time, and rather they need to be outside and get taken for walks to socialize with other people and dogs.  Socialization techniques should begin as early in a dog’s life as possible for the best results, because just like with a child this is the time in their life when they are a sponge and taking everything in.

Get the dog exposed to a variety of situations to properly socialize them.  Another important dog obedience training tip and one that every owner should enforce is to teach the dog how to sit.  Every dog should at least know how to sit, and fortunately this is one of the easiest tricks to teach a dog.  The dog should start off standing and then you want to tell them repeatedly to sit, pushing lightly on their rear if you need to give them a little help.

To teach a dog to sit the first step is finding a quiet location where the dog will be able to focus and not be distracted.  Just make sure that as soon as they follow your order and sit, you reward them with some sort of positive reinforcement.  As soon as they do without wasting any time at all you want to give the dog some praise.  This must be done immediately after the dog has sat down, so they know what you’re rewarding them for.

The most important thing is to make sure that you have some sort of positive reinforcement you’re going to be able to use here.  This is given to the dog as a reward once they follow your order, whether you give them a treat or just a nice pat on the head.  It allows you both to enjoy your life together more and means less hassle and trouble for you.  It’s much more fun to have a dog around that you can praise and enjoy.

How To Start Your Own Dog Training Business


For anyone who loves dogs, they know how important it is to have them properly trained and well behaved so they can be brought around other people and animals.  As soon as someone brings a dog home whether they’re a puppy or a grown adult, they should be working on teaching the dog, even if it’s just the most basic things.  If you’re one of the many people who are interested in getting started with a dog training business, there are a few important steps you should follow.  The first step is to decide how large you want your business to actually be.

Typically a dog training business can be run from home because in most cases you’ll be going to clients’ homes to train their dogs.  This is more convenient for you as a businessperson but also ensures the best results because the dog will be learning in their home which is the most comfortable environment for them.  Having the right training is also one of the first things you’ll need to get out of the way to start up this business.  A psychology major would be extremely helpful because the field of dog training requires great people skills as well and you must understand how emotions and behavior patterns work.

It’s important to have the right supplies on hand if you’re going to be a dog trainer.  A psychology major will be helpful, as are degrees in veterinary services.  It’s always important to use effective marketing techniques when you own a business and the same goes for any dog training business.  There are quite a few different marketing techniques that will work well and which you should use for your own business.

In order for any business to have success, effective marketing strategies must be enforced.  You can even throw parties and invite your family and friends so you can tell them all of your newfound business.  Make sure that you treat every dog you train well and act towards them as you would act to your own dog.  Some dogs are going to be more difficult to train than others and that should only be expected, so it’s important to have patience.

With some dogs their owners may only want you to work on certain aspects of training with them.  Their dog may be a grown up adult dog and now they want them to learn some tricks.  As your business begins to grow you can either remain happy with a number of customers that you can take on yourself, or you may wish to keep your business growing with more clientele and in this case you would have to hire on more dog trainers.  Starting your own dog training business can be a really great thing as long as you’re willing to work hard at it.